
联系人:王老师    QQ/微信: 330877278

author:北卡罗来纳大学      click:192

北卡罗来纳大学在理学、工学、农学、医学还有商学的研究和方面都在美国处于领先水平,这些为北卡罗来纳州的经济,卫生以及社会方面的需求提供了最直接的帮助。现在美国两千多所大学中排名第27。但UNC人并不认可这一排名。他们觉得,这一排名过分侧重本科教育,而本科教育在美国实际上是通才教育,真正出专业人才的是研究生教育。如果从研究生教育和学科的角度排名,虽然UNC的理工科不是那么出色,但是UNC有几个学科如公共卫生、人口研究、口腔医学等,在全世界都是名列前茅.  风险管理(Risk Management)


商务金融课程(Business Finance)




加拿大商科专业中的热门专业是众多申请者竞相追逐的对象,也是在申请过程中厮杀的最惨烈的,留学e网提醒加拿大留学申请者,在申请加拿大热门商科专业的时候,首先要考虑的就是自身情况,如果自身条件和兴趣与专业要求不符,最好放弃,否则会给自己的未来造成不利影响。美国,美学学士为BFA(Bachelor of Fine Arts),是授予视觉或表演艺术专业教育本科专业的学生。有些国家也会命名为创意艺术学士,即BCA(Bachelor of Creative Arts)。此外,艺术方面高层次学历有创作硕士MFA(Master of Fine Arts)。由于美国没有创作领域的博士学位,因此MFA就已代表了领域的最高学位。当学生修满MFA关于雕刻、编制、绘画、设计、插话、室内设计、平面设计、动画、摄影、电影乃至新近的珠宝设计、多媒体设计等主修课程,并拿到MFA学位,则意味着不仅能找到好工作,同时还具备大学授课的资格。

近来,美国艺术类高校招生季节与国内火热的艺考同期上演,但值得中国学生注意的是,与中国艺考流程不同的是,美国每年的艺术类高校招生并不参照当年专门设立的艺术测试考试成绩,也不参考本国统一的文化课成绩;美国艺术类高校招收国际学生主要考查的是英语水平和艺术素养。而对英语成绩方面的要求,学校一般给的尺度比综合性大学来得要宽松。考生只要达到雅思或者托福考试成绩的底线,就可以通过初选.华盛顿学院位于美国东北角缅因州的东马奇阿斯市。距加拿大边界只有不到半小时的路程,到阿卡迪亚国家公园大约1个半小时,离缅因州的班戈市只有2小时的路程。在2英里的海岸线里,学院占地面积共45亩, 拥有7座建筑物。学校所有的教师都拥有资格证书并且超过50%都拥有硕士学位。而且,学校的教师都乐于教学,乐于学习,愿意同学生交流并倾听他们的想法。学校周边具有浓厚的艺术氛围。当地有很多的本地历史博物管,古老的堡垒,历史性的建筑物。


华盛顿学院Washington Academy学校设施

? 1823年建造的白色城堡,目前作为外语、数学和特殊教育的教室。拥有完善学习及住宿设施的寄宿学校,专门为留学生准备的1栋男生宿舍和1栋女生宿舍。新翻修的男校舍目前拥有教导室、5个计算机室、艺术表演场所和自助餐厅,并有一个拥有1万多本藏书的图书馆。学校有缅因州内最好的体育馆和1座工艺技术大厦。


?  学校与许多大学有紧密联系,学生有机会到缅因大学上课,所有住宿学生免费使用缅因大学的实验中心、图书馆及一些娱乐设施,华盛顿中学和缅因大学之间有穿梭巴士。


华盛顿学院Washington Academy课程

   提供超过100门课程,包括ESL课程、数学、科学、艺术、托福预备课程、大学入学考试课程、表演艺术、环境科学、计算机应用、造船课程等,同时还提供技能教育,职业规划给完成职业教育课程后直接就业的学生。特殊教育有英语、数学、科学、生物、美国历史、地理、政体和健康教育的补习班。根据个人不同情况,因材施教,打造个性化课程,一对一的全日制导师制。学生需要修满20个学分才可以毕业。Founded in 1789, the University of North Carolina is the earliest public university in the United States. The University of North Carolina is a university system consisting of all six of the four-year public North Carolina universities, all named after the University of North Carolina, and their campuses are located in Ashville, Charlotte. (Charlotte), Chapel Hill (largest), Greensboro, Pembroke, and Wilmington. These separate institutions of higher learning, together with ten other colleges, form the University of North Carolina system. When the school manager sets the guidelines, it is determined that the schools in each campus enjoy a high degree of autonomy and independence. The system has a total of 183,000 students and she has awarded 75% of undergraduate degrees in North Carolina. The school's 16 campuses offer a total of more than 300 disciplines offering bachelor's degrees, especially in education, sociology, nursing and engineering. The University of North Carolina system, and the University of California system, is currently hailed as the best university system in the United States. In addition to outstanding research skills and excellent teaching quality, the University of North Carolina basketball team is also famous in the American College Basketball League, and has won several league titles. The great basketball squad Michael Jordan is out of the school. North Carolina’s annual budget is about $820 million. Among them, the funds for scientific research and technology development accounted for the 31st in the United States. The school has a strong faculty and 19 professors have been selected as academicians of the National Academy of Sciences or the National Academy of Engineering. The North Carolina State University Library consists of the D.H. Hill Library and four branches. It has a total of 3.1 million books and is ranked 32nd among similar libraries in the United States.

?The University of North Carolina is leading the way in science and engineering, agronomy, medicine, and business research in the United States. These provide the most direct assistance to North Carolina's economic, health, and social needs. It is now ranked 27th among more than 2,000 universities in the United States. But UNC people do not recognize this ranking. They feel that this ranking is too focused on undergraduate education, while undergraduate education is actually a general education in the United States, and graduate students are truly professional. From the perspective of graduate education and disciplines, although UNC's science and engineering is not so good, UNC has several disciplines such as public health, population research, and stomatology, which are among the best in the world. Risk Management

Venture capital, debt, investment, engineering projects... The non-deterministic factors in all aspects of the business have placed high demands on the system's risk management approach. This direction involves courses in fiscal strategy, insurance and risk theory, capital market analysis, and management economics.

Business Finance

In the master's degree, finance is generally combined with courses in other related fields, such as accounting, management, and economics. Or be divided more carefully, such as banks, investments, and currency. Highly demanding for mathematics, suitable for people with professional background.


Some schools divide them into computer colleges, and some divide them into business schools. Suitable for people with a computer background or a business background, have certain requirements for mathematics. The courses studied include: electronic marketing, e-commerce law, network principles, market and organization.

The hot majors in Canadian business majors are the targets of many applicants, and they are the most tragic in the process of applying. The e-network reminds Canadian applicants to study in Canada. When applying for Canadian popular business majors, the first thing to consider is In your own situation, if your own conditions and interests do not match the professional requirements, it is best to give up, otherwise it will have an adverse impact on your future. In the United States, Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) is a student of undergraduate major in visual or performing arts. Some countries will also be named Bachelor of Creative Arts, BCA (Bachelor of Creative Arts). In addition, the high level of art has a Master of Fine Arts (MFA). Since the United States does not have a doctorate in the field of creation, MFA has represented the highest degree in the field. When students complete MFA's major courses in engraving, compilation, painting, design, interjection, interior design, graphic design, animation, photography, film and even new jewelry design, multimedia design, and get an MFA degree, it means not only Can find a good job, but also qualified for university teaching.

Recently, the enrollment season of American art colleges and universities has been staged at the same time as the domestic art test, but it is worthy of attention to Chinese students. Unlike the Chinese art test process, the annual art college enrollment in the United States does not refer to the art test established in the year. The test scores do not refer to the national unified cultural scores; the American art colleges recruit international students mainly to test the English level and artistic quality. As for the requirements of English scores, the standards generally given by schools are more relaxed than those of comprehensive universities. Candidates can pass the primary election as long as they reach the bottom line of IELTS or TOEFL scores. Washington College is located in East Marchia, Maine, in the northeast corner of the United States. Less than half an hour from the Canadian border, about one and a half hours to Acadia National Park, and only two hours from Bangor, Maine. On a 2-mile coastline, the college covers an area of ??45 acres and has seven buildings. All teachers in the school have qualifications and over 50% have a master's degree. Moreover, the teachers at the school are happy to teach, are willing to learn, and are willing to communicate with students and listen to their ideas. There is a strong artistic atmosphere around the school. There are many local historical museums, ancient fortresses and historic buildings.

????The entertainment facilities are also perfect. There are concerts and theatres, cinemas, museums and religious facilities. The school arranges dormitory and family accommodation for male and female students. Washington College offers TOFEL testing, sponsors the International Student Association, and arranges weekend activities for students to use the school holidays to lead students to New York, Boston, and the Washington capital.

Washington College Washington Academy School Facilities

? The white castle built in 1823 is currently used as a classroom for foreign languages, mathematics and special education. A boarding school with complete study and accommodation facilities, a male dormitory and a female dormitory for international students. The newly renovated male schoolhouse currently has a teaching room, five computer rooms, an art performance venue and a cafeteria, and a library of more than 10,000 books. The school has the best gymnasium and a craft building in Maine.

The computer facilities are complete, and the dormitory has a network cable for students to use.

? The school has close links with many universities. Students have the opportunity to attend classes at Maine University. All accommodation students use the University of Maine's experimental center, library and some entertainment facilities free of charge. There is a shuttle bus between Washington High School and Maine University.

Sports venues include football fields, baseball and softball fields, outdoor basketball courts, and cross-country tracks.

Washington College Washington Academy Course

???Provides more than 100 courses, including ESL courses, mathematics, science, art, TOEFL preparation courses, university entrance examination courses, performing arts, environmental science, computer applications, shipbuilding courses, etc., as well as skills education, career planning to complete vocational education Students who are directly employed after the course. Special education includes tutoring classes in English, Mathematics, Science, Biology, American History, Geography, Politics, and Health Education. According to individual circumstances, teach students in accordance with their aptitude, create personalized courses, one-on-one full-time tutor system. Students need to complete 20 credits to graduate.


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