
联系人:王老师    QQ/微信: 330877278

author:西门菲沙大学      click:184

西门菲沙大学(SFU)的本地生及国际生学费也相差逾三倍。以2009/2010学年为例,本地生每一学分学费为157.30元,而国际生就要490.70元。如果以120个学分毕业,本地学生仅付18,876元学费就可获大学本科学历,而国际生则要58,884元学费,亦即 比本地生多付40,008元,才可获同等大学学历。  作为从事加拿大留学数年的业内人,我可以很坚决的告诉那些欲赴加求学的莘莘学子们,加拿大留学不宜DIY!首先,由于加拿大的教育并没有产业化,大部分学校的录取比较严格,绝对不会因为想多招收学生而降低自己的入学要求,因此很多学生在没有充分了解学校入学条件的情况下,经常被拒之门外,相反那些委托正规留学机构申请的学生成功几率就高多了,因为正规大规模的留学公司都与海外院校有密切的合作关系,一般经过他们评估之后递出的申请是万无一失的,申请学校的成功,也就意味着向赴加留学的成功更近一步。


从高一到高三这个阶段。我们对任何国家来的学生,都会通过评估的方式,知道孩子英语和数学的水平如何。[主持人]:学校帮助年轻的学生快速融入到留学的生活中的方法有哪些? [Polly Chao]:在学习方面,我们经过测试以后,可以根据学生的英语能力对他进行学习安排,经过一段时间的训练,学生就能很快融入到社会中,期间我们的老师也会提供相应的辅导。到了高三阶段,学校会恢复学生申请大学的手续,这样同学在高中毕业的时候就能很顺利地进入理想大学进行深造。多伦多留学对语言方面的要求有哪些?

[Polly Chao]:我们基本上看在国内的成绩,如果成绩合格就录取。我们按照学生进校时候的能力和学习目标,对他们进行合理的计划。












6、信息科技学士学位(IT 网络安全):

学生将在霍姆斯格兰政府理工学院入读2年的信息文凭课程,专攻方向为互联网安全技术,然后进入迪肯大学完成剩下1.5年的学位课程。纽卡斯尔大学(The University of Newcastle)成立于1965年,位于纽卡斯尔市西部,距离市区12公里。该大学一直致力于发展高水平的教学研究,是一所充满活力的研究型大学,也是澳大利亚创新科技大学联盟的成员。






a. 哮喘和呼吸疾病研究所

b. 生物信息学、生物追踪和信息化医学

c. 大脑和身体健康研究中心

d. 生殖研究中心

e. 性别、健康和老龄化研究中心值得一提的是,纽卡斯尔大学的享特医学研究院是澳洲局部地区(Regional Australia)唯一的医学研究机构。享特医学研究院(Hunter Medical Research Institute)被认为是澳洲最具有创新精神的健康医学研究院,该学院目前覆盖500所研究机构,包括大学和区域研究机。它主要在癌症、心脏血管、公共健康、疫苗免疫等六大了领域进行研究。选择一个中国教育部承认学历的大学,该院校有你喜欢的专业,你的家庭可以支付得起该校从预科直到大学本科毕业若干年的全部费用,这就是你理想的留学方案。中国教育部认可的国外大学名单可以从教育部境外教育监控网站和教育部中国留学网查询核对。还可以通过在多家留学机构就同一个问题进行咨询,然后进行比较鉴别。切莫偏听偏信、随大流。








  到任何一个国家去留学、打工、旅游、出差……不论其社会治安如何,都要加强自我保护意识,需要有防范心理准备。其实在国内也应如此。有准备,就可以最大限度地降低风险、甚至完全避免风险。A visa is a valid and valid document for you to enter Canada. It is also a legal identification for you during your stay in Canada. Therefore, the success or failure of a visa application is directly related to whether you can study in Canada. Canadian visas are also known for their harsh conditions, complex materials, and strict auditing in the most popular countries. Perhaps many people think that it is not a visa to apply for a paper. It can be prepared according to the materials published on the website of the Canadian Embassy in China. In fact, it is not only the basic material preparation requirements published on the embassy website, and there is no specific operational guidance. Many students are frustrated by their rash decision, which is a good condition because of their own time. The "confidence" makes a lot of detours on the road to apply for a visa. Finally, when such a student takes the unskilled material that she has already done to ask for help, it is already awkward. This kind of scene can be I said that I often meet at the Canadian Education Center. Every time I feel very sad, why do so many students pay no attention to their major study abroad? They may not know that the first signing is very important. Students with a history of refusal It’s much more difficult to get a sign because some “wrongs” are fatal. People]: First, let me introduce the basic situation of the Toronto Public Education Bureau. [Polly Chao]: Toronto is Canada's largest city with a population of 5 million. It is the economic and cultural business center of Canada. The Toronto Education Bureau is the largest public education bureau in Canada. There are more than 500 schools in the community. They are located in every community in the city of Toronto. These schools are the center of our study and are also a variety of pre-class after-school activities, from kindergarten courses to high school. Toronto is an educational business culture. The center, so the economic situation is relatively good, the employment situation is also better. [Moderator]: What are the excellent courses that the Toronto Public Education Bureau can choose for students now? [Polly Chao]: We have different courses in various subjects. In each discipline, students can personally pursue further professional studies. All English-language system schools in Canada require students to have a high level of English proficiency. Therefore, when choosing a course of study, students should have a clear understanding. Learning plan. Mostly based on the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (For Eign Affairs and International Trade Canada) The survey report released last year showed that in 2009, for the full-time international college students in Canada, the average annual tuition fee was 14,487 yuan (Canadian dollar, the same below), while the average international student fee per year for international students in the province. 16,800 yuan. This is not a small income for local public education institutions.

The number of international students continues to rise. In addition, the figures of the Federal Immigration Department also show that in recent years, the number of international students in colleges and universities and international students in high school and below has increased year by year. In 2008, there were 178,227 international students in Canada, nearly half of whom were studying in Canadian colleges and universities, and another 20% were enrolled in high school or below. Due to the different tuition fees of local and international students, this makes international students' tuition fees one of the important sources of income for each school. Take the University of British Columbia (UBC) as an example. In the 2009/2010 academic year, local students earned 150.6 yuan for each credit, while international students needed 703.93 yuan, a difference of more than four times. For the first year, for example, students usually complete 30 credits in the first year of school. The local tuition fee for the liberal arts department is only 4,518 yuan per year, while international students are 21,118 yuan. 40,008 yuan more than local students

The local and international student fees at Simon Fraser University (SFU) are also more than three times different. Taking the 2009/2010 school year as an example, the local tuition fee for each credit is 157.30 yuan, while the international student is 490.70 yuan. If you graduate with 120 credits, local students will receive a bachelor's degree with only 18,876 tuition fees, while international students will have a tuition fee of 58,884 yuan, which is 40,008 yuan more than local students. As an industry insider who has been studying in Canada for several years, I can resolutely tell the students who want to go to Canada to study. It is not appropriate to study in Canada. First of all, because Canada's education is not industrialized, most schools are more rigorous. They will never lower their entry requirements because they want to recruit more students. Therefore, many students are often not fully informed about the conditions of school admission. Rejected, on the contrary, students who apply for formal study abroad institutions have a much higher chance of success, because formal large-scale study abroad companies have close cooperative relations with overseas institutions, and generally the applications submitted after their evaluation are foolproof. The success of applying for a school means a step closer to the success of studying in Canada.

Secondly, there are many skills in applying for colleges and universities in Canada. Although these techniques are introduced in the Internet and other ways, for Canada, these skills are often not enough, especially the background and conditions of each student are different. Therefore, these skills can not be hard-wired, and a formal study abroad company is required to make plans for you, including helping you to write text materials suitable for your own situation. Only in this way can you not send your applications to the sea and have no news.

From high school to high school this stage. Our students from any country will know how their children's English and mathematics are assessed through evaluation. [Moderator]: What are the ways for the school to help young students quickly integrate into the life of studying abroad? [Polly Chao]: In terms of learning, after testing, we can arrange for students according to their English ability. After a period of training, students can quickly integrate into the society, and our teachers will provide corresponding information. Counseling. In the third year of high school, the school will resume the formalities for students to apply for the university, so that students can successfully enter the ideal university for further study when they graduate from high school. What are the language requirements for studying in Toronto?

[Polly Chao]: We basically look at the results in the country, and if the results are qualified, we will accept them. We make reasonable plans for students based on their abilities and learning goals when they enter school.

[Moderator]: What is the standard for Toronto charges? The tuition fee is 13,000 Canadian dollars a year. In terms of living expenses, it depends on the students' own arrangements. The annual cost is less than 10,000 Canadian dollars, which adds up to 20,000 Canadian dollars for enough tuition and living expenses. Deakin University Shortcut Course

1. Bachelor of Commerce degree:

Students will enroll in the Holmesglen Institute of Technology for one year and then enter Deakin University to complete the final two-year degree program. Business students have the following majors to choose from: Accounting, Accounting Information Systems, Business Information Systems, Business Law, Economics, E-commerce, Finance, Finance, Financial Planning, Human Resources, International Business, Management, International Trade, Marketing, Sports Management.

2. Bachelor degree in Early Education:

Students will study at the Holmesglen Institute of Technology for 2 years and then transfer to Deakin University to complete the remaining 2 years of degree.

3. Bachelor of Engineering:

Students will enroll in the Holmesglen Institute of Technology for a two-year engineering diploma with professional options including: metal prefabrication, manufacturing, air conditioning and refrigerators, electronics, and machinery. Then transfer to Deakin University and complete the remaining 2 years of degree.

4. Bachelor of Information Technology:

Students will enroll in the Technology Diploma at the end of the year at the Holmesglen Institute of Technology, with the following professional directions: Internet technology, software development technology, and multimedia technology. Then transfer to Deakin University and complete the remaining 2 years of degree.

5. Bachelor of Information Technology (Game Design and Development):

Students will enroll in the 1.5-year Diploma in Information at the Holmesglen Institute of Technology, specializing in Internet Information Technology, and then transfer to Deakin University to complete the remaining two-year degree program.

6. Bachelor of Information Technology (IT Network Security):

Students will enroll in the 2-year Diploma in Information at the Holmesglen Institute of Technology, specializing in Internet security technology, and then enter Deakin University to complete the remaining 1.5 years of degree. Founded in 1965, The University of Newcastle is located in the west of Newcastle, 12 kilometers from the city. The University has been committed to the development of high-level teaching research, is a dynamic research university and a member of the Australian University of Innovation and Technology.

The school has five colleges and offers a very wide range of courses. There are more than 150 graduate programs, covering the vast majority of professional degree programs such as architecture, law, medicine, engineering, education, mapping, social studies, science and nursing. In addition, in other disciplines the university offers courses at different levels, such as: computer, history, mathematics, economics, business, nutrition and nutrition, sociology, communication, tourism and hotel management.

Newcastle University is ranked among the top 10 Australian research universities. In the global university rankings published by Shanghai Jiaotong University, Newcastle University ranks among the top 100 in engineering and computer science. In addition, Newcastle University has strong research advantages in the fields of medicine, science and information technology, energy and environmental research.

Gold Medal

Newcastle University not only enjoys a high reputation in the field of medical and health science research in Australia, but also leads the world. As the most researched college, Newcastle University School of Medicine has been at the forefront of research. The excellent collaboration between the medical school's multidisciplinary research and programs has enabled the medical school's undergraduate and postgraduate research projects to be recognized in the field of professional education. Among them, teaching and research in medicine, health science, biomedicine and nursing are particularly prominent.

The School of Medicine has five state-of-the-art research centers that provide extensive support for Newcastle University's research in the medical field.

a. Institute of Asthma and Respiratory Diseases

b. Bioinformatics, bio-tracking and informational medicine

c. Brain and Body Health Research Center

d. Reproductive Research Center

e. Gender, Health and Aging Research Center It is worth mentioning that the University of Newcastle's Institute of Medicine is the only medical research institution in Regional Australia. The Hunter Medical Research Institute is considered to be Australia's most innovative health medicine research institute, which currently covers 500 research institutions, including universities and regional research institutions. It is mainly researched in six major areas such as cancer, cardiovascular, public health, and vaccine immunization. Choose a university that the Chinese Ministry of Education recognizes, and the institution has a major you like. Your family can afford the full cost of the school from the foundation to the undergraduate degree. This is your ideal study abroad program. The list of foreign universities approved by the Ministry of Education of China can be checked from the Overseas Education Monitoring Website of the Ministry of Education and the China Study Abroad Network of the Ministry of Education. It is also possible to consult on the same issue in a number of institutions abroad and then compare and identify them. Don't listen to partial beliefs and follow the flow.

How to choose a major?

Please remember two essentials: 1) When choosing a major, you should understand what basic and professional courses are offered in the major, and combine the strengths and weaknesses of each subject to choose the major that suits you. Be sure to do your best to avoid weaknesses and give play to your strengths. Don't follow the crowd. 2) If you choose a major that combines with your interests and hobbies, you will inspire endless learning motivation during your studies. This is one of the important conditions for your success in studying abroad. Otherwise, it may cause unnecessary loss of time, cost and energy.

How to calculate the cost of studying abroad?

Whether you are studying in any country, whether it is a national university or a private university, you must know in advance the full cost of studying abroad each year. You can roughly calculate the full cost of each university you visit for a year, and then screen and make the final choices for the university you are studying based on your family's ability to pay. In short, a university that fits your family's ability to pay is a wise choice.

How to treat the problem of working?

Foreign students can work in any country. The difference is that some countries have stricter policies for foreign students to work, and some countries are wider. Working opportunities and income vary from person to person, depending on your ability to communicate, your determination to make ends meet, and your opportunities. Some people can work to earn money everywhere, and some people may not be able to work or earn money.

How to avoid the risk of studying abroad?

Going to any country to study, work, travel, travel... regardless of their social security, we must strengthen our awareness of self-protection and need to be prepared for prevention. In fact, it should be the same in China. When prepared, you can minimize risk and even avoid risk altogether.


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