
联系人:王老师    QQ/微信: 330877278

author:马来西亚理工大学      click:169






有一些家长担心孩子会因为打工而荒废了学业, 只要学生不影响正常的学习生活, 打工是应该提倡的。 在国外的学习生活中, 不是只有在学校里面才能学到知识, 正确的打工生活对学生今后走向社会也是收益良多。可以培养他们的责任心, 独立性, 组织能力等。

像马来西亚汝来大学,英迪大学, 林登大学等都有为学生提供在校的打工机会, 在学校的各个部门里面帮助老师做一些文案工作, 这个更是一个很好的锻炼机会,也消除了家长对学生在外打工的安全问题的顾虑。黄金居留”现行条例:






















“I gave up me completely to before subordinate any foreign country crown prince, the crowned head, the country or of citizenship the sovereignty and loyal, I will support and the protect guard United States of America constitution and the law, the resistance domestic and the overseas all enemies. I will give loyalty to the US sincerely. When legal request, I am willing to defend the US to take up the weapon, when legal request, I will make the noncombatant for the US the military service, when legal request, under I in the government officials will direct do the important work for the country. I take an oath in this freedom, does not have any mental barrier, the excuse or the retention certainly, asks God to bless me.”
















International students working in Malaysia need to first apply to the institution they are studying to ask for a letter of recommendation for employment, and then the representative of the institution will apply for immigration to the immigration department. The content of the recommendation letter needs to include the timetable for the international students during the semester and holidays, so that the employment approval unit of the immigration department can learn more about when the international students are on vacation and decide the appropriate time for the international students to work.

After the application for international students is approved and approved, the immigration department in Malaysia will clearly inform the international students of the permitted working hours and stamp the passport of the international students. After obtaining the approval, the Malaysian university where the international student is located also needs to monitor the international students themselves, determine the status of the students' attendance and study, and report the situation to the immigration department of Malaysia once every three months.

Malaysian study abroad experts reminded that if the international students do not meet the school's eligibility criteria during the working hours, the immigration department in Malaysia will cancel their job qualification and will not approve their next application.

Time and scope restrictions for international students working in Malaysia

International students studying in Malaysia are subject to strict restrictions on the time and scope of their work. The Malaysian government stipulates that international students studying in Malaysia can only work in four locations: local hotels, petrol stations, restaurants, and shopping malls. Work in other locations, industries or fields. In addition, when working in the above four locations, international students can only work in services, sales, or cleaning, and cannot work in cashiers or cashiers.

Suggestions for foreign students to work:

Some parents worry that their children will ruin their studies because of their work. As long as students do not affect their normal study life, part-time work should be promoted. In the study and life abroad, it is not only in the school that you can learn the knowledge. The correct working life is also a good income for the students to go to the society in the future. They can develop their sense of responsibility, independence, organizational skills and so on.

For example, Malaysian University, Indy University, Linden University, etc. all provide opportunities for students to work in the school. They help teachers to do some copywriting work in various departments of the school. This is a good exercise opportunity and also eliminates Parents' concerns about the safety of students working outside the home. Current residence of gold residence:

Under the current “Golden Residence Permit Scheme”, non-EU nationals can apply for investment immigration in Portugal by investing in Portugal for at least five years in one of three ways:

1. Transfer funds of not less than one million euros to Portugal

Second, create at least ten jobs

Third, the purchase of real estate worth less than 500,000 euros

Portugal's "golden residence" new policy is about to strike!

The Portuguese Gold Residence Permit Act was officially implemented on October 8, 2012. It has been successfully operated for more than two years now and has become a major “golden” hero in the recovery of the Portuguese economy. It attaches importance to the “Gold Residence Residency Program”. The Portuguese government is currently making a series of optimization and rectification for the current "golden residence". Earlier, the Portuguese parliament has reviewed and approved the new policy of "golden residence". According to the law of "Lein.o63/2015de30dejunho", the Portuguese government The following major changes were made to the “Golden Residency” investment immigration policy:

Add four new investment terms

1. Buying an old house or rebuilding a house in the old district of 350,000 euros or more (the old house refers to the real estate with a construction completion date of not less than 30 years. The old district reconstruction house refers to the property located within the urban old district reconstruction plan and The property that will be renovated);

2. Investing 350,000 Euros or more in a public or private research center in Portugal;

3. Investing 250,000 Euros or more in art creation projects, national heritage restoration or maintenance projects;

4. Investing 500,000 euros or more into investment funds or venture capital funds, and the fund is used to finance small and medium-sized enterprises in Portugal;

Inadequate investment incentives

In countries with low population densities (less than 100 inhabitants per square kilometer) or low GDP per capita (GDP below 75% of the national average), the minimum investment requirement can be reduced by 20% (ie: creation) The investment threshold for employment has dropped from 10 to 8 and the funds for the purchase of old houses/old areas have been lowered from 350,000 euros to 280,000 euros.

"Golden residence" approval time new rules

1. The relevant department must reply to the approval result of the first application for “golden residence” within 90 days;

2. The relevant department must reply to the approval result of the renewal of “Golden Residence” within 60 days;

* If this hardening rule can be implemented effectively, it will change the recent inefficiency of the Portuguese Gold Immigration Bureau's “golden residence” approval work and speed up the application for “golden residence”.

family gathering

The adult children of the main applicant, if they are still raised by their parents, are single and are attending school, are also eligible for family reunification.

According to reports, the New Deal regulations have come into effect on July 1. However, before the deadline for this report, the official website of the Portuguese Immigration Service has not released relevant information, nor has it been added to the official publicity page of the “Golden Residency” investment immigrants. The latest legal content. It is understood that the Portuguese Immigration Service has not yet begun to formally accept the "golden residence" application in accordance with the new law. To live permanently in the United States does not necessarily require US citizenship, and foreigners can live indefinitely in the United States as permanent residents. Despite this, many permanent residents still want to be able to obtain citizenship because of the benefits of citizenship. Citizens can participate in national and local elections, while permanent residents cannot participate in elections. Citizens can enter and leave the United States at will, regardless of time, and permanent residents must pay close attention to time when leaving the United States, because after staying outside the United States for more than a certain limit, they will be considered as abandoning permanent resident status. US citizens can apply to enter the United States for their foreign relatives, while permanent residents cannot.

American citizenship oath:

"I gave up me mem to to before subordinate any foreign country crown prince, the crowned head, the country or of citizenship the sovereignty and loyal, I will support and the protect guard United States of America constitution and the law, the resistance domestic and the I will give loyalty to the US sincerely. When legal request, I am willing to defend the US to take up the weapon, when legal request, I will make the noncombatant for the US the military service, when legal request, Under I in the government officials will direct do the important work for the country. I take an oath in this freedom, does not have any mental barrier, the excuse or the retention certainly, asks God to bless me."

Malaysia is one of the countries with a high level of development in Southeast Asia. Chinese students studying in Malaysia are gradually increasing due to the enthusiasm for studying in Malaysia. Some of the Chinese students who want to stay in Malaysia after studying in Malaysia want to stay in Malaysia. I went to a foreign student to find a job in Malaysia.

Malaysia’s corporate sentiment is higher than in other countries, and the Malaysian government’s regulations on hiring Chinese employees are more cumbersome.

Some Malaysian companies are also more formal companies willing to hire Chinese students. Most of these companies tend to be European and American, so they will follow the example of European and American companies during the interview. Some companies will even let students fill in the personality test form to test. Whether the character and ability of the international student is suitable for the position of the candidate.

Experts remind that in Malaysia, international students must have a good language ability in order to find a better job. This is because Malaysia is a multi-lingual country. Domestic residents often use Malay, English and Chinese. International students must have good performance in these three languages ??in order to get job opportunities more easily.

When interviewing a company in Malaysia, the interviewer often sends three interviewers to talk with the international students in different languages ??to determine whether the language ability of the international students meets the company's requirements, and secondly, the interview with the professional students of the international students. This is also the level that international students must pass.


"I solemnly swear here: completely renounce my citizenship and loyalty to the former foreign prince, monarch, state or sovereignty. I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies at home and abroad. I will be sincere. I am loyal to the United States. When the law requires it, I would like to take up arms for defending the United States; when required by law, I will do non-war military services for the United States; when required by law, I will do for the country under the command of government officials. Important work. I hereby voluntarily swear: there is no mental hindrance, excuses or reservations. Please help me." In recent years, the domestic art recruitment competition is quite fierce. In comparison, the art threshold for studying abroad is not counted. Too high, the requirements for the applicant's language ability are not as strict as other professions. However, the more top-ranking schools, the stricter the study of students' artistic potential, the need for students to have outstanding performance in the professional aspect, and on-site interviews or telephone and video interviews are the best opportunities for students to express themselves.


?As more and more students incorporate career aspirations into their study abroad programs, industry insiders suggest that students should first make a full assessment of their interests and specialties before deciding to study abroad.


?Artistic advantage knocks on the gates of famous schools


?Student, a music school in China, is a high school student in the middle school. He majored in composition and majored in composition. However, there are only a few cultural courses with a score of more than 60 points. When another institution was studying abroad, it was rejected due to improper preparation of materials. Later, he switched to studying in the art class. He emphasized that the student's composition works have won the Chinese Arts Festival Finalist Award and the City Class Piano Team Winning Award. They finally opened the door to Kansas State University with outstanding professional advantages.


?Universities with better foreign countries pay great attention to the students' usual grades, so students should pay attention to the usual accumulation. However, if students perform well in art, they often win extra favor. Therefore, students who plan to study in the arts, it is best to focus on preparing relevant works, and try to produce beautiful, excellent performance, which is conducive to the success of the application. In addition, because different countries and schools have different requirements for students, it is best for prospective students to consult in advance, learn more, and then prepare them in a targeted manner.

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