
联系人:王老师    QQ/微信: 330877278

author:杜克大学毕业证样本      click:181

Tabor Academy泰伯学院的学生毕业后都是进入美国的顶尖大学:如哈佛大学、哥伦比亚大学、波士顿学院、普林斯顿大学、杜克大学、麻省理工大学等。 据加拿大相关媒体报道报道,由于自由党对于移民政策的支持,加拿大移民人数日渐增多。来自加拿大联邦移民部的统计数据显示,2015年,中国来加留学的人数是66,240名,2016年达到77,795人。



  加拿大移民部表示,政府欢迎留学生能够来到加拿大,这也是一个替加拿大发掘人才的途径,对于移民政策的门坎越来越低,留学生的数量可能会有更大幅度的上升。 美国是最受留学生关注的留学目的地之一,申请表格变更将直接影响到众多准留学生。留学专家认为,DS-160表格的使用对于赴美留学的学生来说,是一个利好的消息,对于签证通过率不会有任何的影响,大家不用担心。















  按照美国驻华使馆公布的数据,在材料齐全的情况下,DS-160表格可以在20分钟内完成。此外,还可以节省面试等待时间,之前学生面试时需要把DS-156、DS-157、DS-158表格交给使馆工作人员检查确保你的信息填写完整,新的DS-160因为是在网上完成的表格,系统已经检查过了,所以面试等待的时间会比之前缩短很多。Tabor Academy, founded in 1876, is located in Marion, southeast Massachusetts, 50 miles from Boston. It is a high-quality co-educational private high school with boarding and day-to-day coexistence. The school is located in Buzzards Bay and is therefore known as The School by the sea. Since its establishment more than 100 years ago, the school has been striving to cultivate students' continuous learning spirit while ensuring their high quality education. At the same time, it is our responsibility to cultivate students' personal responsibility and care for others and achieve their greatest achievements. Tabor Academy also educates children from other regions and countries while providing education to children in the town where the school is located and in nearby communities. Students come from 25 states and 15 countries.

The Taber Institute emphasizes a wide range of opportunities for students to achieve true understanding of knowledge and meaningful skills through academic, artistic, sports and social activities to identify and pursue their own life goals. As a seaside school, Taber High School continues the unique maritime tradition, which is reflected in the activities of the school. The students are required to have the following qualities: mental preparation and understanding of the vast world, unwavering, Courage, good mood, sense of direction, humility. All the teachers required by Taber are committed to finding a balance between the high demands and true love of the students.



AP course:

AP English Language (Beginner), AP English Literature (Advanced), AP Latin, AP Spanish Language, AP Spanish Literature, AP Chinese (Language and Culture), AP Statistics, AP American History, AP Economics, AP World History , AP European History, AP Physics B, AP Physics C, AP Environmental Science, AP Bio, AP Chemistry, etc.


Extracurricular activities:

Autumn sports: off-road, rugby, football, hockey

Winter sports: basketball, ice hockey, squash, wrestling

Spring sports: baseball, boating, golf, hockey, softball, tennis,


Graduation destination:

Tabor Academy students graduate from the top universities in the United States: Harvard University, Columbia University, Boston College, Princeton University, Duke University, and MIT. According to relevant Canadian media reports, the number of immigrants in Canada is increasing due to the support of the Liberal Party for immigration policy. According to statistics from the Federal Department of Immigration Canada, in 2015, the number of Chinese students studying in Canada was 66,240, and in 2016, it reached 77,795.

Although the first quarter of this year was the off-season for studying abroad, there were still 9,725 Chinese students coming to Canada. The same is true for Hong Kong and Taiwan in China. The number of international students from Hong Kong was 2,100 in 2015 and 2,365 in 2016. The number of international students from Taiwan was 2,245 in 2015 and increased to 2,655 in 2016.

From the perspective of the country, the number of Chinese students accounted for 30% of the second year of the championship, followed by India, South Korea and France. Overall, the number of international students increased by 50,000 from 2015 to 2016, and there were 40,265 international students at the end of March this year.

The Canadian Immigration Department said that the government welcomes international students to come to Canada. This is also a way to find talent for Canada. The threshold for immigration policy is getting lower and lower, and the number of international students may increase even more. The United States is one of the most popular destinations for international students. The change of application form will directly affect many prospective international students. Study abroad experts believe that the use of the DS-160 form is a good news for students studying in the United States. There is no impact on the visa pass rate. Don't worry.



According to the relevant person in charge of the student visa in the US Consulate General in Guangzhou, when the mainland students apply for a US visa, they must fill in three forms of DS-156, DS-157 and DS-158, except DS-156 is applied for online system. The rest must be printed out after completing the Word document and submitted to the visa officer on the day of the visa. Applicants need to fill in a large amount of personal and family information when filling out these forms, and it is inevitable that there will be some duplicate content.



The adjusted DS-160 will avoid such duplication, the content of the form will be clearer, and the new form will be used in the form of online submission, which will save a lot of paper resources and save 2 million to 3 million sheets in one year in China alone. .



Study abroad experts believe that using the online electronic application form not only saves paper but also saves time. The first is to save the time to fill out the form. The DS-160 is a form submitted online, similar to the student's application for a US school online application. The difference is that the DS-160 has a Chinese translation, so it is easier for students to fill out. If you don't understand the information, just look at the Chinese translation. It is not necessary to ask someone else in the forum, and only after filling in all the information of the form, you can go to the next page, so there will be no missing options.



Fill in in 20 minutes



According to the data released by the US Embassy in China, the DS-160 form can be completed in 20 minutes with complete materials. In addition, you can save the interview waiting time. Before the student interview, you need to submit the DS-156, DS-157, DS-158 form to the embassy staff to ensure that your information is completed. The new DS-160 is completed online. The form has been checked, so the waiting time for the interview will be much shorter than before.


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联 系 人:王老师 微 信:330877278 Q Q: 330877278


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