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author:新加坡义安理工学院      click:194










1.必须认真体会我说的留学五部曲: 评估 – 规划 – 申请 - 行前准备 – 去后一年跟踪,没有评估,规划的留学直接跳进“申请”的大潮中,随波逐流,最后就容易淹死上不了岸。

2.托福 / 雅思过了100 / 6.5,第一年最多听懂70%,书写表达60%就不错,所以过了高分,仍然要坚持不断的加强英文,尤其“说”,“写”。

3.没有过托福 / 雅思,去了任何的“有条件”录取项目,那么你的“未来风险”已开始发生,不论你进什么名牌大学。







记住,再景气的经济也不如你自己“景气”重要,我看过太多的多大,UBC,滑铁卢大学热门专业的毕业生,最后都找不到工作铩羽而归! 学生人数约23,354人,16,034 名本科生,其中7,829人是研究生,亚裔学生占学生总数的17%。石溪大学刚成立之初,地点位于纽约州长岛的牡蛎湾(Oyster Bay),于1962年时由于著名慈善家Ward Melville的义举,慷慨捐地因而迁址到目前的校址石溪镇,也加入成为了纽约州立大学系统中的一员。近几十年以来,纽约州立大学石溪分校日渐受到重视,由于校园广阔,师资优异,已被公认为全美学术研究的重要据点。纽约州立大学石溪分校目前提供了高达百余种的本科课程、硕士课程及数十种博士课程供来自全美及世界各地前来的学生就读。

 教学资源石溪分校拥有许多一流学者,其教学品质和研究成果享誉国际,石溪的教授队伍中聚集着各领域的顶尖研究人员,其中亦有诺贝尔奖得主。卡耐基基金(Carnegie Foundation)将石溪分校列为全美最优秀的研究机构之一,约翰霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University)亦十分推崇石溪分校在学术研究方面的成果,根据该校的排名,石溪分校名列全美公立大学第二名,仅次于加州大学伯克利分校。校园环境石溪大学位于纽约市东面,长岛(Long Island)的北岸,距曼哈顿约105公里,乘车一个小时即可到达纽约市。毗邻世界生命科学的圣地冷泉港实验室和著名的布鲁克黑文国家实验室,并有长期合作。校园内绿树环绕,环境幽雅。附近有肯尼迪国际机场和拉瓜蒂亚国际机场,乘大巴很快即可到达。石溪大学是纽约州立大学的四个大学中心之一,学校发展迅猛,成立仅50多年以来,已经成为美国一流的教学和研究中心。在长岛的整个经济体系中,石溪分校已经成为一个至关重要,而且是不可替代的资产,在长岛地区为14,000多人提供了全职或兼职的工作机会,作为长岛地区唯一的一所公共研究型大学,极大的推动了当地的高科技发展,同时也带来了每年5940万美元的经济收入。诺贝尔物理学奖获得者杨振宁教授在该校执教37年,在他的率领下,该校的理论物理研究所多次获得各种国际大奖。The four Nordic countries have certain commonalities in the basic information of studying abroad. Li Wenjuan believes that they can be introduced in a unified manner. Of the four countries, except Denmark, the other three Nordic countries are currently exempt from tuition fees. In the case of tuition free, the local living expenses for one year are about 60,000 to 70,000 yuan. The tuition fees charged by Danish universities are basically between 50,000 and 6,000 yuan per year. In addition, when preparing a visa, the required guarantee is about 150,000 yuan. Recently, it has been said that Northern Europe will start to collect university tuition fees in September 2010. However, there is no official notice on this so far. Even if the news is true, it may not be until next year that it will be unified. In other words, the Finnish countries still implement the tuition-free policy. Manchester University music, 2nd in the UK. Founded in 1824, the University of Manchester is one of the world's top 30 universities in Manchester, the second busiest city in the UK. It is one of the six famous "Red Brick Universities" in the UK and the founding of the British "Ivy League" Russell Group. One of the members is also the largest single campus university in the UK. As one of the world's top research and teaching institutions, the University of Manchester has made a world-famous contribution to the development of human society and enjoys a high reputation in the international community. There are 25 Nobel Prize winners in the current and past faculty and students of the University of Manchester; three of the current full-time faculty members are Nobel laureates, ranking the highest in the UK. Since 2017, the Ministry of Education has not approved the qualifications of new self-funded study abroad agencies. In the face of some organizations’ “why not to approve?”, the Ministry of Education has taken the step of co-construction of the provinces and departments, and also wants to try . The purpose of the Ministry of Education and local cooperation in co-construction is to regulate the market for studying abroad in China. However, we must pay attention to the introduction and implementation of the pilot work to see if there is any positive effect. If the Ministry of Education is only responsible for guiding the principles and actually handing over the power of examination and approval to the local authorities, it is not excluded that some irresponsible local education departments will approve the qualifications of some new institutions in order to collect some deposits. There is actually no benefit to studying in the market. In the 2015-2016 top employer-friendly university rankings published by High Flier Research, a UK graduate employment market research organization, Manchester University ranks first in the UK and is the only one in the UK for 11 years. the University. In addition, Manda is the second largest university in the UK to receive the Queen's Anniversary Award; 7 times, second only to Oxford. As a veteran prestigious school, Manda has always been aspired to elite students from all over the world. It receives a large number of applications from all over the world every year. It is recognized as one of the most competitive UK universities. Why is the illustration profession at the Rhode Island School of Design so cattle? According to news from Sweden, from 2011, Swedish universities will no longer provide free education to foreign students. At the same time, the two Nordic countries of Finland and Norway are also planning to charge tuition fees for foreign students. Experts predict that in the next two or three years, going to the Nordic countries to study "free lunch" will likely become history. The era of Nordic study abroad will be over. The Nordic countries have been studying abroad to avoid the tuition, low cost of living and high quality of teaching, which provides a great choice for the working-class students in mainland China. At the same time, in order to expand the internationalization of higher education, schools in these Nordic countries offer more and more undergraduate and master's degrees in English. Going to Northern Europe to enjoy high quality free higher education has become a choice for many Chinese students in recent years. Nordic study abroad any choice of universities and majors?

However, according to recent reports by the Swedish Daily, as the number of foreign students has grown rapidly, Swedish universities will charge tuition fees to foreign students from outside the European Union and the European Economic Area from 2011 onwards. This means that Sweden will become the second Nordic country to cancel the international education “free lunch” after the official fee for foreign students in Denmark.

It is reported that as early as July 2017, Danish universities have begun to charge tuition fees to students from non-EU countries, becoming the first country in the four Nordic countries. In the same year, some universities in Germany also began to try the foreign student fee policy. At present, Finland and Norway have not charged non-EU students, but they do not rule out the possibility of charging. According to some experts studying abroad, there are already rumors that the two Nordic countries of Finland and Norway are likely to switch to charges from 2010. This means that with the transfer of tuition fees from foreign students in Denmark, the Nordic countries in the high-welfare society will likely cancel the “free lunch” policy for more and more foreign students. Foreign students currently studying in Sweden enjoy the same tuition-free treatment as their national counterparts. However, according to the statistics of the Swedish education department, the number of foreign students studying in Sweden has increased sharply in the past ten years. At present, there are more than 31,000 foreign students enrolled in Swedish universities, of which 1/3 are from outside the EU and Europe. In order to alleviate economic pressure, the Swedish government has been considering charging for non-EU students. The Swedish government estimates that a foreign student is required to pay a tuition fee of about 70,000 Swedish kronor (about RMB 69,000) per academic year. In fact, in the context of the financial crisis, other countries that are exempt from tuition fees for foreign students are also considering tuition fees.

First of all, the close connection between students and departmental and professors is the most unique place. The school offers a diverse mix of teacher resources to address the diversity of developments in the field of illustration. At the same time, the high requirements of admission standards is another major feature of RISD, which is also the guarantee of the continuous generation of talents in the school.

Illustrator of RISD is a BFA degree, a four-year program. The first year is to focus on the cultivation of ideas and ideas, as well as the improvement of the basic skills of painting. The second year of painting design is still the highlight, in addition to the study of color, accumulated enough After the foundation, the illustrator study will begin; there will be more elective courses in the junior and senior majors, which is also the choice of the school for the students according to their personal plans.

What exactly does the Rhode Island School of Design apply for?

Because the illustrator focuses on visual communication, Rhode Island values ??the curiosity, curiosity, and desire for communication when reviewing the applicant's work so that the school can develop the skills it needs to become an artist. Technology and skills. A solid foundation of painting will undoubtedly be a plus item, but the visual thinking and impressive visual elements of the applicant's work are definitely the top priority! With the increase in the number of students studying abroad, the US sign is tightened. How should parents and students respond?

With the report of the domestic increase to Canada, 70% increase in study abroad, while the US student registration report has tightened, in this case, will there be more domestic students flocking to Canada, the only open arms to welcome international students and immigrants to open up s country?

Taking Canadian students as an example, it is said that in the 2016-2017 application season, the number of American students who applied to the University of Toronto increased from more than 700 to more than 1,400. As more refugees flow from the United States and Canada, a tolerant humanitarian country, has received a lot, so the addition and subtraction of these factors has made the world’s most friendly and tolerant country come alive. !

However, there are too many international classes and international schools in China at present, and some have even been established for 20 years. Many other students, such as the Sino-British class, the Sino-US class, the PGA, and the AP class, also saw many winds and rudders and went to study in Canada. In the high school, many high school students, who are studying, and just passed the college entrance examination, are also staring at the country that welcomes foreign students to become legal immigrants. They also hope to study, work, and immigrate in the local area.

Looking at the US STEM policy, the people who apply for the green card are tightened, the salary requirements are six-digit, and the green card lottery is also cancelled. Serious protectionism is permeating the country, and even a large influx of refugees into Europe has caused protectionism to rise. Australia in the southern hemisphere has also tightened the 457 work permit. It must have English proficiency and two years of work experience, and even New Zealand next to it will follow up! Naturally, in this situation, Canada has become a unique show for international students and immigrants. My 35 years of life, work, teaching and experience in studying abroad for nearly 20 years in Canada tell me that I must remind my classmates and parents who are going to study in Canada to pay special attention to the following points, so as to avoid misunderstanding and cause your child to finally become stunned. Going back to China, even if you can't finish the job, let alone employment.

1. I must seriously understand the five lessons I have learned: Assessment – ??Planning – Application – Pre-departure preparation – After one year of follow-up, there is no assessment. The planned study abroad jumps directly into the “application” tide, and it is easy to follow the trend. Drowning can't get on the shore.

2. TOEFL / IELTS has passed 100 / 6.5. In the first year, you can understand 70% at most, and writing 60% is good. Therefore, after passing the high score, you must continue to strengthen English, especially "say" and "write".

3. Without TOEFL / IELTS, go to any "conditional" admissions program, then your "future risk" has begun to happen, no matter what brand you enter.

4. Internships must be tried by the child regardless of whether they are paid or not. Never use an internship such as “returning to the country”. Even if they admit that the value is not high, it is not good to spoil the child.

5. The first year is the key to laying a foundation for future success or failure.

In the first battle, you must succeed. In choosing a school, the general direction of the profession, you must be cautious when choosing an elective course. This is also the work that our studio attaches great importance to. It is not the general intermediary who takes the school sign and does not care!

6. Choosing a school must not rely solely on “ranking”. Which one is the most suitable for you is the key. It is necessary to have a “deep” visit to the school. This is also the reason why the teacher personally leads the team, although it is very hard.

7. Professionals should not be determined to die, as long as the general direction of text, science, law, business, industry, medicine, etc., after reading one year, they know what they are suitable for, and it is not too late.

8. Develop time management, autonomy, conscious and resistance to temptation. The body and mind must be healthy. If you can go through the five parts of the system according to the above content, it is difficult to fail or find a job!

Remember, the economic economy is not as important as your own "boom". I have seen too many, UBC, graduates of the University of Waterloo's popular majors, and finally can't find a job! The number of students is approximately 23,354 and 16,034 undergraduate students, of whom 7,829 are graduate students, and Asian students account for 17% of the total number of students. At the beginning of Stony Brook University, it was located in Oyster Bay, Long Island, New York. In 1962, due to the charity of the famous philanthropist Ward Melville, he relocated to the current school site in Shixi Town. Joined as a member of the New York State University system. In recent decades, the State University of New York at Stony Brook has received increasing attention. Due to its vast campus and excellent teachers, it has been recognized as an important base for academic research in the United States. The State University of New York at Stony Brook currently offers over 100 undergraduate programs, master's programs, and dozens of doctoral programs for students from all over the United States and around the world.

?Teaching Resources Shixi has many first-class scholars. Its teaching quality and research results are internationally renowned. The professors in Shixi gather among the top researchers in various fields, including Nobel Prize winners. The Carnegie Foundation ranks Stony Brook as one of the best research institutions in the United States, and Johns Hopkins University also highly praises the results of academic research at Stony Brook, according to its ranking. The Stony Brook University is ranked second in the nation's public universities, second only to the University of California at Berkeley. Campus Environment Stony Brook University is located on the north side of New York City, on the north shore of Long Island, about 105 kilometers from Manhattan and an hour's drive from New York City. It is adjacent to the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory of the World Life Sciences and the famous Brookhaven National Laboratory and has long-term cooperation. Surrounded by green trees on campus, the environment is elegant. Nearby are JFK International Airport and LaGuardia International Airport, which can be reached quickly by bus. Stony Brook University is one of the four university centers of the State University of New York. The school has developed rapidly and has become a leading teaching and research center in the United States for more than 50 years. In Long Island's entire economy, Stony Brook has become a vital and irreplaceable asset, providing full-time or part-time jobs for more than 14,000 people in the Long Island area as the only public study in the Long Island area. The university has greatly promoted the development of local high-tech, and also brought in an annual economic income of 59.4 million US dollars. Professor Yang Zhenning, a Nobel laureate in physics, has been teaching at the school for 37 years. Under his leadership, the Institute of Theoretical Physics has won various international awards.

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