
联系人:王老师    QQ/微信: 330877278

author:新加坡英华美学院毕业证样本      click:197

中新网5月15日电 据加拿大《明报》报道,加拿大联邦移民部13日公布,2009年来加国际留学生人数较去年上升7%。加拿大移民顾问协会(CSIC)新任副主席黄国为指出,虽然经验类别(CEC)移民申请新政策对这一变化起到积极作用,但该数据的攀升并不理想,移民部还应采取措施推动海外签证处,放宽该类别的签证通过率。













This form is the same as the existing online form. You can fill out this form online, but you don't need to print it out after you finish it, you can save it in your USB flash drive. You'd better prepare your itinerary, contact method, address, and US contact information, all of which can be filled out online. Another benefit is that you can save the application information and you can come back and continue to write the information again. There is no big change in the material. The new form is just a new way to give your information to us. All materials are the same, depending on which visa you apply for. If you are an F1 (student), you still need an I20 form. The other forms have not changed, and other related materials are needed.


Shorten visa application time after opening new application form


First, if there are three forms for the applicant, it will be very complicated. They will spend a long time asking others to ask what should be done online, but now this form is a smart form, saving them time.


Second, when they went to the embassy for an interview, they had to print out the form before, and our staff needed to upload this information to the computer system. But because the DS160 is completely online, applicants don't have to wait for that long, they can have time to go through other formalities.


New application form has no effect on student visa application


Because only the application form changes, the other procedures applied by F and M students are the same. They still need to apply for a US university to get the I20 form. They need to pay a special fee in the Ministry of National Security, then make an appointment, and then according to the application form. Interview, other procedures have not changed. The new form has a better impact on renewing applicants because they can retain the previous form and can apply again with the completed form when they renew. They do not need to re-fill it. Yes, the current students have not used the DS160, so they will use the new form when signing.






















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联 系 人:王老师 微 信:330877278 Q Q: 330877278


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