
联系人:王老师    QQ/微信: 330877278

author:芬兰大学      click:162

hool graduation. The organization is also very flexible. Every week, the teacher puts a lot of relevant materials in the library in the library, and the students choose to read or copy according to their interests. Many exams have a variety of exam forms, and you can take both a written test and a related paper.

a language learning paradise


Language learning is a very important part of Finnish students' academic studies. The conditions for learning a language in Finland are very good. The education is completely free, the distribution of foreigners is widespread, and the convenience of traveling abroad is very good. Take my city Turku. This city with a population of only 170,000 has a large-scale Chinese research center with abundant resources. China has historical, social, economic and political books and attracts many Finnish countries interested in Chinese culture. people. And because there are a large number of international students every year, the school encourages Finnish students to be tutors for international students, helping the latter to settle down and become familiar with Finnish society. This also gives students from different countries the opportunity to learn from each other and greatly promote their language. Learning has broadened their horizons.


And because there are many TV stations and radio stations in the local area that broadcast English programs, this also invisibly exercises and improves my English expression ability and listening. At that time, I was thinking, no matter what I did in the professional courses in Finland, at least my English is already very authentic.


Colorful graduate life


The life of international students is colorful. Since the international postgraduate program is one of the important contents of global integration, students are basically from all over the world. Although everyone has their own mother tongue, their own culture and their own living habits, sometimes they only need a smile and a delicious meal. Chinese cuisine can make strangers from different countries familiar and intimate. The two-year life in Finland is fleeting, but that kind of good memories will last a lifetime.













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