
联系人:王老师    QQ/微信: 330877278

author:加拿大多伦多大学毕业证样本      click:154

The SCAD industrial design department, among the most forward-thinking in the world, develops highly motivated, visionary students of design who create, articulate and communicate innovative solutions to improve the quality of life. Students are prepared to address contemporary issues in the global marketplace while influencing the design profession by engaging in real-world projects.

Influential designRanked as one of the best in the United States by DesignIntelligence, the SCAD industrial design program prepares students for productive careers. Strengths of the program include an award-winning faculty with extensive professional experience; a holistic, innovative and dynamic curriculum; a state-of-the-art facility equipped with cutting-edge technology and tools; and a close working relationship with top companies and organizations, enabling students to participate in real projects with real clients to solve real problems.奥巴马总统访问中国,清楚表明中美青少年之间交换的重要性,中国是留学生第2大输出国,仅次于印度,在美国的研究生中有5%来自中国,美国来中国的学生过去五年也有50%增长。”作为美国领事馆签证处副领事,她建议对学生在面试过程中需注意两个方面,一是财政方面,要有足够的钱去支付学费和生活费,另一方面要有可靠且真实的学习计划。布伦特伍德基督教学校是一所私立的基督教学校,致力于为来自德克萨斯州奥斯汀市的广大学生提供教育。在建校之初(1963),该校只提供所幼儿园和一年级的教育,如今已发展成为奥斯汀市最大的私立学校,并为PK—12(幼儿园至高中)年级学生提供优质教育。







同时,专家预测,中国赴美留学人数会有更大幅度的增加,按照现在的增长趋势,将有望超过印度,成为赴美留学最大输出国。据统计印度去年留美学生达到10万3260人,但增长速度远低于中国,只有9%。China is the second largest exporter of international students, second only to India. Among the graduate students in the United States, 5% are from China, and the number of American students coming to China has increased by 50% in the past five years. As the deputy consul of the Visa Section of the US Consulate, she suggested that students should pay attention to two aspects during the interview process. First, the financial side must have enough money to pay tuition and living expenses. On the other hand, there must be a reliable and realistic study plan. Brentwood Christian School is a private Christian school dedicated to educating students from Austin, Texas. At the beginning of the school (1963), the school only offered kindergartens and first graders. Education has now grown to become the largest private school in Austin and provides quality education for PK-12 (Kindergarten to High School) students.

The Brentwood Christian School is well-connected to the student family and is committed to providing quality education to students with a strong academic level, extraordinary leadership and dedicated service. For 50 years, the school has always educated people with excellent educational methods, and established traditional Christian values ??to make students become excellent and religious.

At the Brentwood Christian School, Jesus Christ is the center of all work. In the school atmosphere centered on Christian values, teachers will start from the Christian worldview and help students establish a devout faith.

2017 American study abroad wants to enter a prestigious university, especially a private university like Harvard, Yale, Preston, Pennsylvania, Columbia, Stanford. The academic performance is good, but the foundation is lack of competitiveness. Because in addition to academic performance, there are other considerations in prestigious universities. These considerations include: the ranking of students in the class, the quality and traits of the students reflected in the student application letter, the recommendation letter from the teacher, the social service activities attended by the students, Leadership and personal expertise. Even family backgrounds such as whether a parent has received college education, family income status, living in a city or in the countryside can be a factor in the university's decision to enroll a student. Of course, the balance of the university at this time will be tilted towards the disadvantaged students. Under the same conditions, students who have not received higher education, have low family income, and live in rural areas are given priority.

It can be said that most universities in the United States will consider accepting students according to the academic standards of students, even some famous public universities. According to the statistics of the California Department of Education in 2009, among the University of California admission criteria, the most significant impact on student enrollment is the average grade (GPA) of students in high school. For high school students enrolled at UCLA, if the GPA is 4.0 or above, the admission rate is 47.5%, which is 20% higher than the school's average admission rate for the year. But if the student's GPA is between 3.70 and 3.99, the admission rate drops to only 8%. The admission rate of the University of California at Irvine in 2009 was 42.3%. If the GPA for high school students applying for the school is 4.0 or above, the admission rate is 90.1%. However, if the student's GPA is between 3.30 and 3.69, the acceptance rate is only 12.4%.

Recently, US President Barack Obama announced in his visit to China that in the next few years, the US government will expand the scale of exchanges with students in China. The subsequent annual report of the US student population shows that the number of Chinese students in the United States surged 21% in 2009 to reach 9,085. Among them, there are more than 26,000 Chinese students who have taken a general degree in the United States. By contrast, there were only about 8,000 people five years ago, and the number of Chinese students studying at the Institute has remained at around 50,000 for many years.

In this regard, experts said that the number of Chinese students taking the SAT in 2009 has doubled compared with that in 2008. In terms of the number of students studying in the United States, China is now second only to India. Obama’s visit to China shows that the United States will certainly loosen China’s policy of studying abroad, and the United States is expanding its scope of enrollment for Chinese students. The field of enrollment extends from graduate students to undergraduate and High school.

At the same time, experts predict that the number of Chinese students studying in the United States will increase even more. According to the current growth trend, it is expected to surpass India and become the largest exporter to study in the United States. According to statistics, India’s students in the United States reached 103,260 last year, but the growth rate is far lower than that of China, only 9%.

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