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author:日本筑波大学毕业证样本      click:152



 对于没有语言成绩,想到美国留学的学生来说,加州国立大学高质量的教育,相对低廉的学费,优美的地理环境必将令你满意。但是,美国真正意义上的现代建筑学专业直到1865年才由美国麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology,MIT)创办。继MIT之后,伊利诺伊大学(University of Illinois)和康乃尔大学(Cornell University)也相继于1867年和1871年建立了现代建筑学专业。1897年,宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania)建筑系首先开设了研究生课程。到21世纪初,美国共有120多所大学设置了现代建筑学专业,一些实力雄厚的学校还在建筑系的基础上成立了设计学院或建筑学院。


 美国大学早期的建筑学专业本科学制为4年。1922年,康乃尔大学开创了建筑系本科专业五年制的先河,以加强建筑系本科毕业生的基本功。到20世纪40年代,全美大学的建筑学专业基本上都实行了本科五年制的教学模式。目前美国各大学的建筑学一般设有两级研究生学位:建筑学硕士(Master of Architecture)和建筑学博士(Ph.D.)。各大学建筑学专业和学位均由美国国家建筑学鉴定委员会(National Architectural Accrediting Board,NAAB)组织评定,对其专业和学术资格进行严格的认证。金融工程强调学和计算机背景,就业方向主要为期货、股指相关高薪但就业机会不多的行业。金融硕士专业申请相对难度小,但是理论性强、就国际学生而言,就业形势不是很理想。此外,金融专业在很多商学院中只设有PhD学位或者归类于MBA,对于只想申请Master的人来说,选择其实并不是很多。设立金融工程的商学院有UC-Berkeley,Claremont graduate university等,数理金融有Carnegie Mellon,UW-Madison,Rutgers等,金融分析有Lehigh等,设立金融硕士的比较多,比较好的有Washington University in St. Louis, UIUC,Boston College,Rochester,Bentley等。美国大学商学院中的会计专业是留学生的热点申请目标。其原因是会计专业的课程偏重于市场发展和会计领域的工作实用性,毕业后在美国的就业率比较高。会计专业最好的学校包括德州大学奥斯丁分校、宾夕法尼亚大学、密歇根大学、伊利诺伊大学香槟分校等。这些学校的会计专业学制一般为一年,有些为两年,学生毕业后大多有带薪实习的机会。会计专业根据学生的侧重点不同,分财务会计、审计、财务管理及国际会计等方向。学生主要学习会计、审计、金融、经济和工商管理方面的基本理论及基本知识,接受会计方法与技巧的基本训练。会计在美国属于最容易找工作的专业,而且毕业生的起薪也相当的高。申请会计专业并不一定要本科会计系毕业,只要读过一些商科相关的课程都可申请。有的学校把非会计专业毕业的学生和本科会计专业的学生分开来,按不同的进度和课程教学,比如UIUC,UNC等。会计在美国属于就业前景非常好的专业,特别是在一些大城市。普通学校会计专业的申请者至少有3.0以上的GPA成绩和650分以上的GMAT成绩。一些名校的要求更高,比如,密歇根大学会计专业入学者GMAT平均分在700分以上。各个学校对工作经验的要求标准不一。有的学校规定申请者至少有两年的全职工作经验,有的学校则对工作经验没有要求,但好的工作或者实习经历着实对申请有很大帮助。我国留学回国人员年龄分布在22-34岁区间,近7成的留学回国人员年龄分布在22-26岁区间。可见,低龄化的留学趋势越发明显。


文学界的朋友甚至可以引申至大唐时代西游印度的唐玄奘。应该说,在古代材料缺乏的目前,唐憎西游的事迹是中国古代留学史上可圈可点的典型事例。但如果放在人类史上怕还是比较牵强。众所周知,留学是历史的产物,是人类文明发展的必然,伴随着人类文明的出现而出现。早在公元前四、五世纪,地中海之滨兴起古希腊文明之时,苏格拉底、柏拉图、亚里士多德等先哲以其渊博的学识、睿智的思想、雄辩的口才吸引了八方来客,古罗马及小溪西亚青年纷纷前来雅典各学院留学,出现了欧洲史上早期的留学萌芽。We automatically focus on your highest test scores and therefore Score Choice is a bit redundant. With Score Choice, it is very important that you have the SAT Critical Reasoning tests and two SAT Subject Tests results available to us when we begin reading completed Early Decision applications in December. You must not wait to see December or January test results before making your score choices.Applicants may select the Score Choice option for the SAT or choose to submit specific ACT composite scores. However, it should be noted that the application review process for Columbia College and The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science is rooted in the belief that students are dynamic, multi-faceted individuals who cannot be defined by any single factor to determine their suitability for admission. When evaluating applicants, we consider only the highest testing results reported from individual sections of the SAT and the two highest required SAT Subject Tests or the highest composite score on the ACT. We are always seeking to give students the greatest opportunity to showcase their academic talents and hoping to make the testing experience as stress-free as possible. We encourage applicants to take these examinations no more than twice, but we do not penalize applicants for exceeding that recommendation.根据美国政府的规定,外国留学生在校内打工,不需申办特别许可,但要注册维持全时学生身份。留学生可以带着自己的ID,到学校的国际办公室申请,打工所得不用交税。


  若到校外打工,则需申办特别工作许可证。具体规定是:持有合法学生身份,入学9个月以上,成绩达一般标准者,经学校国际学生顾问批准,即可到移民局或劳工部认可的公司去打工,打工有效期限为一年,但可申请延长。打工的公司必须是移民局或劳工部认可的公司。For students who don't have language grades and want to study in the United States, the California State University's high-quality education, relatively low tuition fees, and a beautiful geographical environment will surely satisfy you. However, the true modern architecture of the United States was not founded until 1865 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Following MIT, the University of Illinois and Cornell University also established modern architecture in 1867 and 1871. In 1897, the Department of Architecture at the University of Pennsylvania first opened a graduate program. By the beginning of the 21st century, more than 120 universities in the United States had set up modern architecture, and some powerful schools also established design or architecture colleges based on the architecture department.

?The teaching and curriculum of early American architecture at American universities was influenced by some European universities, especially the Paris Art Institute of France and the German School of Architecture. From 1938 to 1952, the head of the Department of Architecture at Harvard University had been represented by representatives of modern German architecture. The architecture departments of other prestigious schools were mostly led by European masters of modern architecture. European modern architecture theory and practice for the United States. The university's architecture profession has had a profound impact.

?The undergraduate degree in architecture at the American University was 4 years. In 1922, Cornell University pioneered the five-year undergraduate degree in architecture to strengthen the basic skills of undergraduate students in architecture. By the 1940s, the architecture of the University of the United States basically implemented a five-year undergraduate teaching model. At present, the architecture of American universities generally has two graduate degrees: Master of Architecture and Ph.D. in Architecture. The university's architecture majors and degrees are assessed by the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB) and are rigorously certified for their professional and academic qualifications. Financial engineering emphasizes learning and computer background. The employment direction is mainly for industries with high salary and low employment opportunities in futures and stock indexes. The application for the Master of Finance program is relatively difficult, but theoretically strong. As far as international students are concerned, the employment situation is not very satisfactory. In addition, the finance profession only has a PhD degree in many business schools or is classified as an MBA. For those who only want to apply for a Master, there are not many choices. The business schools that set up financial engineering include UC-Berkeley, Claremont graduate university, etc., mathematical finance has Carnegie Mellon, UW-Madison, Rutgers, etc., financial analysis has Lehigh, etc., there are more financial masters, and better Washington University in St Louis, UIUC, Boston College, Rochester, Bentley, etc. The accounting major in American business schools is a hot topic for international students. The reason is that the accounting majors focus on market development and practical work in the accounting field, and the employment rate in the United States after graduation is relatively high. The best schools for accounting majors include the University of Texas at Austin, the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Michigan, and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The accounting professions of these schools are generally one year, some are two years, and most of the students have the opportunity to have paid internships after graduation. The accounting profession is divided into financial accounting, auditing, financial management and international accounting according to the different priorities of the students. Students mainly study basic theories and basic knowledge in accounting, auditing, finance, economics and business administration, and receive basic training in accounting methods and techniques. Accounting is the easiest job to find in the United States, and the starting salary of graduates is quite high. Applying for an accounting major does not necessarily require an undergraduate accounting department to graduate. You can apply for some business-related courses. Some schools separate non-accounting students from undergraduate accounting majors and teach at different schedules and courses, such as UIUC, UNC, etc. Accounting in the US is a very good job prospect, especially in some big cities. Applicants for accounting majors in general schools have a GPA score of at least 3.0 and a GMAT score of 650 or more. Some prestigious schools have higher requirements. For example, the University of Michigan accounting majors GMAT average score of 700 or more. The standards for work experience vary from school to school. Some schools require applicants to have at least two years of full-time work experience, and some schools do not require work experience, but good work or internship experience is really helpful for the application. The age of returning students from China is between 22 and 34 years old, and nearly 70% of the returnees are in the 22-26 age range. It can be seen that the trend of studying abroad with younger age has become more apparent.

The average age of returnees who have obtained a bachelor's degree is 25.53 years old, the master's degree is 26.63 years old, and the doctoral degree is 34.73 years old. Among them, 63% of the returned overseas students have a master's degree, 30% have a bachelor's degree, and only 6% of the doctors have a wide range of subjects, but they are concentrated. The 10 most selected disciplines are business administration, applied economics, theoretical economics, foreign language and literature, art, computer science and technology, management and engineering, education, sociology, journalism, business, and society. Science subjects are the mainstay. The main subjects of doctoral students returning to China are biology, chemistry, computer science, mechanical engineering, materials science, physics, applied economics, electronic science and technology, basic medicine, clinical medicine, etc., mainly in science and engineering disciplines. People from Hong Kong and Macao may also talk about Zheng Mano. He came to Europe during the second year of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of modern world history (the British bourgeois revolution in the 1640s). He studied Christianity and can be said to be in Chinese history. The earliest foreign students studying abroad on the eve of modern times can also be said to be one of the earliest international students in the modern history of the world. However, the same can not be said in the early history of mankind.

Friends of the literary world can even extend to Tang Xuanzang of India in the West of the Tang Dynasty. It should be said that in the current lack of ancient materials, the deeds of the Tang dynasty's Journey to the West are typical examples of the history of studying abroad in ancient China. But if you put it in the history of mankind, it is still far-fetched. As we all know, studying abroad is a product of history, a necessity for the development of human civilization, and it has emerged along with the emergence of human civilization. As early as the fourth and fifth centuries BC, when the ancient Greek civilization emerged on the coast of the Mediterranean, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle and other sages attracted the guests from all directions with their profound knowledge, wise thoughts and eloquent eloquence. Ancient Rome and young people from Little Creek West came to study at various colleges in Athens, and there was a germination of early study in European history.


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