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author:莫道克大学      click:159





名在顶级大学之中,更被“优秀大学手册”(The Good Universities Guide)






--莫道克大学拥有卓越的师资水平, 其70%教员和学者具有博士或博士后资





















” (比尔盖茨基金会投资1200万美元)









代兽医畜牧场、兽医院及急诊部的大学 1. 价格居高


  一罐Ben & Jerry的冰激凌就会花掉你$12澳币,啤酒6澳币靠上,如果能
















  2. 购物上的价格就是实际费用,没有额外费用












  3. 我的天呢,快来看,一只袋鼠!










  4. 我们住在未来时间



















  5. 冬天怎么办?












  6. 10小时的飞机是标准
















  7. 那个人叫什么来着?






把人名缩略,起一个容易记住的nickname。1. Iced green tea with soy 




We swear: This slightly creamy drink will quell any sweet cravings 


like a pro. It’s super-economical—a jug of unsweetened iced green 


tea costs around $4, while a container of soy milk costs about $3—


and it’s amazingly satisfying when served over ice。






2. Frozen fruit


Sure, you can freeze your own. Frozen fruit is an unbelievably 


convenient way to satisfy a sugar craving without any refined sugar 


or nasty preservatives. Frozen cherries, especially, are super-


sweet, while mango and papaya taste like you’re eating sorbet. 


Just be aware of how much you eat—there’s no added sugar, but 


natural sugars are still present, so pay attention to serving size









3. Frozen fruit pops


If you’re looking to get a little more involved, try making your 


own fruit pops. We’re loving the below, which includes almond 


milk, OJ, oranges, strawberries and some optional vanilla protein 


powder! That’s it. Check out the recipe here。






4. Frozen Greek yogurt bites


We’re loving this recipe, Combine 1 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt 


with ? cup frozen berries and stir until the fruit has broken down 


and the mixture has an even consistency. Line a baking sheet with 


parchment paper, and drop 1/4 teaspoons of the mixture onto the 


sheet. Freeze until solid and pour all the drops into a plastic 


baggie. Store in the freezer until you’re ready to snack!








5. Pan-seared cinnamon banana slices


Sliced bannans rolled in cinnamon and nutmeg, then cooked in the 


pan with a little olive oil for three minutes. If you’re not 


opposed, add some Splenda or granulated Stevia for an extra sweet 


kick. This also makes a seriously impressive dessert for company。






6. Rum broiled grapefruit


Super-gourmet and super-healthy, this treat includes broiling a 


grapefruit with rum, cinnamon, cayenne, cherries, and a touch of 


brown sugar, which of course is optional. Check out the recipe at 






7. A small banana and a teaspoon of almond butter

7. 一只小香蕉和一小茶匙杏仁酱

This healthy snack clocks in at only 100 calories, and offers 


potassium and protein with no added sugar or chemicals。




8. Popcorn + fixings


Popcorn is actually a whole grain, and a 2.5-cup serving has 70 


calories, 13 grams of carbohydrates, and three grams of fiber. 


Sorry, but movie popcorn doesn’t count. To get the benefits, it 


has to be air-popped, and plain. For an added dose of sweet, 


sprinkle on some pure cocoa powder, cinnamon, or grate some dark 


chocolate on top and microwave for a few seconds!








9. Homemade sour watermelon gummies


We’ve already mentioned some of the horrifying stuff found in 


pre-packed gummy snacks, but the fact remains that sometimes 


nothing satisfies a candy craving quite like heaping handfuls of 


gummy bears, sour peaches, or the aforementioned red fish。






10. White sangria without sugary extras


Skip the sugar-filled mixed drinks and opt for this light sangria. 


Sangria is wine-based, but it’s also packed with sugar, brandy 


and, often, ginger ale. To cut major calories, use white wine 


(preferably a light varietal like Riesling or pinot grigio, which 


have fewer calories than those with higher alcohol content such as 


Chardonnay and sauvignon blanc), lots of of chopped fruit (we like 


apples, strawberries, pears, and peaches) and seltzer。









的水果(我们喜欢苹果、草莓、梨和桃子)和苏打水。Located in Murdoch University, Perth, the capital of Western Australia, it is a perfect education and has won the Olympics four times.


A Prime Minister’s Award and a public university with an international reputation in research and teaching. Founded in one nine


In 1975, Murdoch University was the second oldest university in Western Australia.

-- Murdoch University is known for its outstanding teaching research and continues to be rated as a teaching quality 5 star university


And Murdoch University has been selected as a graduate satisfaction 5-star university for 13 consecutive years, with the highest level of completion.


Industry satisfaction rate, this achievement is unique among Australian universities. Murdoch University not only for the year


Named among top universities, it is also referred to as "The Good Universities Guide"


The student's graduation pass rate is 5 stars and the student's skill is 5 stars.

-- Murdoch University offers the best language environment to connect with Chinese students and learn about Australian culture and


Social opportunities,

-- Murdoch University has an excellent faculty level with 70% of its faculty and scholars with PhD or postdoctoral fellowship


Quality, while the Australian average is only 50%. Murdoch University has about 1,500 teachers, teacher-student ratio


The example is very ideal.

---- Top teaching facilities, including high-tech classrooms, well-resourced libraries, engineering trials


Factory, professional stage theater, 35 research institutes (such as the United Nations Environmental Technology Center, National Film and Television Research)


Institute, Asia Pacific Institute of Intellectual Property, Sustainable Energy Research Institute, Sustainable Tourism Cooperative Research Center)

--Integrated education, from high school, language study, diploma, undergraduate, graduate student to doctoral degree


Murdoch University completed

- Murdoch University's science and engineering teaching ranks 5th in Australia, humanities, liberal arts and education


Ranked 2nd in Australia

Other reasons to choose Murdoch University:

Top 100 universities in the Asia Pacific region

More than 180 professional courses in Murdoch

More than 20 million Australian dollars invested in the construction of the most advanced "Clinical Immunization and Biomedical Research Center" in Australia


(Bill Gates Foundation invests $12 million)

1.7 million Australian dollars invested in the construction of the Media Arts Center (with two TV studios, radio stations)


, broadcast news/TV newsroom, recording studio, video conditioning equipment, media and audio technology and multimedia


Research room)

3.7 million Australian dollars-built law school building (special mock court and legal center)

The first Australian Veterinary College recognized by the American Veterinary Association and the only one in Australia


University of Veterinary Animal Ranch, Veterinary Hospital and Emergency Department 1. High price


A can of Ben & Jerry's ice cream will cost you $12, and beer is $6, if you can


If you have a meal below $15 in the restaurant, you must be cheap and steal. Australian


Consumption is very high, especially after the annual increase in tuition and living expenses, so that the pressure on foreign students


The force suddenly increased.


But the benefits are also there, you can save your life by buying food or cooking or working.


fee. And the wages you work for will also be Australian dollars, and Australia’s hourly wage is also the highest in the world.


One of the homes.


However, this does not bring any convenience to those who come out to study in Australia.


2. The price on the shopping is the actual cost, no extra cost.


In order to reduce the pressure on the price of overseas students, I also said something good. In Australia, you buy a buyer


The price of the product is generally the actual transaction price, which is the price that has been added to the service tax. Not going to be in one


In some countries, additional taxes are needed.


In addition, this is also suitable for tipping, the waiter’s salary does not depend on tipping, so, Australia


There is no habit of tipping.


3. My God, come see, a kangaroo!


There are fewer opportunities to see animals in big cities. Australia has a good environment, well known, but kangaroo


Generally not in the city, unless you go to the zoo or in the suburbs.


Come to Australia is not to come to an open zoo! It can also be said that animals are considered Australian humanities.


Part of it does not mean that they will appear in your life every day.


4. We live in the future


It can be said that Australia is two hours faster than China. In addition, there are problems such as daylight saving time.




Australia has a large land area and includes three time zones, including:


Eastern Standard Time (EST): including NSW, Capital Territory, Victoria, Tasmania and Queensland


, two hours faster than Beijing time;


Central Standard Time (CST): including South Australia and the Northern Territory, the Central Time is generally higher than the Eastern Time


Slowly for half an hour;


Western Standard Time (WST): Western Australia, two hours slower than Eastern Time, but


It is the same as Beijing time.


5. What should I do in winter?


Many places in Australia are known for their warm winter climate, such as some tourist cities in Queensland. but


Be sure to be prepared, because once you come to Australia, it is another matter. How many Australia are there


Days, and some places last longer, and some rooms in Australia do not have heating equipment.


So be sure to be prepared.


For a person who does not have cold weather, it is very likely that they will not adapt to the weather in Australia.


6. The 10-hour aircraft is standard


Remember that you are in the country, have you been flying for an hour or two? Well, those days


No more.


It takes about 10 hours or more to fly from Australia to Australia. In addition, Australia


The area of ??the soil is large and the transportation in Australia is also a long time. For example from the east coast of Australia (Buri


It takes 5.5 hours to fly to the West Coast (Perth), even if it is located in Queensland.


It takes at least 3 days from the road trip from Kannes with the Great Barrier Reef to the capital of Brisbane.


The same goes for Brisbane to Sydney. Driving from Sydney to Melbourne takes at least 9 hours.


7. What is the name of that person?


I used to know someone for months, I don’t know what his name is, here’s it.


Nickname is simply awkward. Like Australians, there are many abbreviations in English, and Australians like it too.


Shorten the name of the person and make a nickname that is easy to remember. Iced green tea with soy



1, iced green tea milk

We swear: This slightly creamy drink will quell any sweet cravings


Like a pro. It’s super-economical—a jug of unsweetened iced green


Tea costs around $4, while a container of soy milk costs about $3—


And it’s amazingly satisfying when served over ice.

We guarantee that this small amount of creamy drink will eliminate all your desire for sweets like protein.


. This super cost-effective: a pot of unsweetened iced green tea for only about $ 4, a box of soy milk as long as 3 US dollars


Yuan or so. It’s awesome to add some ice to it when it comes out.

2. Frozen fruit

2, frozen fruit

Sure, you can freeze your own. Frozen fruit is an unbelievably


Convenient way to satisfy a sugar craving without any refined sugar


Or nasty preservatives. Frozen cherries, especially, are super-


Sweet, while mango and papaya taste like you’re eating sorbet.


Just be aware of how much you eat—there’s no added sugar, but


Natural sugars are still present, so pay attention to serving size



Of course, you can freeze your fruit. Frozen fruit does not contain any artificial sugar or is annoying


Preservatives. Frozen cherries (especially super sweet), as well as frozen mango and papaya


Like the smoothie you are eating. Just know how much you ate - no added


Sugar, only the natural sugar that is still there, so pay attention to the weight.

3. Frozen fruit pops

3. Frozen fruit carbonated drinks

If you’re looking to get a little more involved, try making your


Own fruit pops. We’re loving the below, which includes almond


Milk, OJ, oranges, strawberries and some optional vanilla protein


Powder! That’s it. Check out the recipe here.

If you want more ingredients, try making a carbonated drink with your own fruit. We like the following


These are the ingredients, including almond milk, orange juice, oranges, strawberries, and some optional vanilla protein powders.


Try these recipes!

4. Frozen Greek yogurt bites

4, frozen Greek yogurt

We’re loving this recipe, Combine 1 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt


With 1?2 cup frozen berries and stir until the fruit has broken down


And the mixture has an even consistency. Line a baking sheet with


Parchment paper, and drop 1/4 teaspoons of the mixture onto the


Sheet. Freeze until solid and pour all the drops into a plastic


Baggie. Store in the freezer until you’re ready to snack!

We all love this recipe, mixing 1 cup of skimmed pure Greek yogurt with half a cup of frozen berries until the fruit has


After being completely broken, the mixture was placed in a precipitate. Separate the parchment with a baking sheet and pour out 1/4 teaspoon of the mixture.


The compound onto the paper. Until the freeze is solid, pour all the frozen mixture into a plastic bag. cold


Frozen and preserved, you can eat when you want to eat!

5. Pan-seared cinnamon banana slices

5, pan fried cinnamon banana slices

Sliced ??bannans rolled in cinnamon and nutmeg, then cooked in the


Pan with a little olive oil for three minutes. If you’re not


Opposed, add some Splenda or granulated Stevia for an extra sweet


Kick. This also makes a seriously impressive dessert for company.

Cut the banana slices, mix the cinnamon and nutmeg together, then cook a three-pointer in the pan with a little olive oil.


bell. If you don't object, add something like sucralose or granulated stevia to add some sweetness.


This can also be an unforgettable dessert in the company~

6. Rum broiled grapefruit

6, rum roasted grapefruit

Super-gourmet and super-healthy, this treat includes broiling a


Grapefruit with rum, cinnamon, cayenne, cherries, and a touch of


Brown sugar, which of course is optional. Check out the recipe at



Super delicious and super healthy, add rum, cinnamon, red pepper, cherry and light when baking grapefruit


Light brown sugar (of course, you can choose whether you want to add). Try the recipe of St. Monaco!

7. A small banana and a teaspoon of almond butter

7. A small banana and a small teaspoon of almond paste

This healthy snack clocks in at only 100 calories, and offers


Potassium and protein with no added sugar or chemicals.

This healthy snack has only 100 calories, is rich in potassium and protein, but does not contain added sugar or



8. Popcorn + fixings

8. Popcorn and some complementary foods

Popcorn is actually


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