
联系人:王老师    QQ/微信: 330877278

author:新加坡詹姆斯库克大学      click:183

、新加坡南洋理工大学 Nanyang Technological University

  3、新加坡管理大学 Singapore Management University

  4、新加坡理工学院 Singapore Polytechnic

  5、新加坡南洋理工学院 NanYang Polytechnic

  6、新加坡义安理工学院 Ngee Ann Polytechnic















  3、新加坡教育部注册合格的语言或专业教师,为留学生提供高水准的师资保证。隶属美国 500 强上市公司-华盛顿邮报属下的美国Kaplan教育集团。


  美国 Kaplan 教育集团,是年营运额为 26 亿美金、 70 家学院、 100 万名学生的全球著名的跨国教育集团。 Kaplan高等教育学院(新加坡)是 新加坡教育部正式注册的学院,于 2003 年第一批被新加 坡政府评为素质级教育机构( SQC-PEO ) ,也是获得新加坡教育信托认证(Edu Trust)的学院。






  可获得世界排名前100 位大学的学位文凭 (国立爱尔兰大学都柏林学院排名为世界前 89 位大学 -2009 年英国泰吾士报), 该大学的学位也被新加坡人力部所认可,毕业后可到澳洲、英国、美国及新加坡世界著名大学继续深造或在新加坡工作。院校标


School of Visual Arts









学校简介:School of Visual Arts (SVA)纽约视觉艺术学院的全部校区位于纽约市区曼哈顿,地处全美国最中心的文化艺术中心地区,横跨纽约市区东西两岸。学校一共拥有大楼16座,论规模来说也是世界第一。SVA是国际艺术教育领域公认的领导者与创新者, 是公认的 “美国设计与艺术“最高峰。


  澳大利亚维多利亚州政府公立中学 Victorian Government Schools(VGS)是维多利亚州政府辖下上百多所公立中学的统称。这些学校主要分布在墨尔本市的各区,VGS因教学质量高、升学率高、学习环境安全舒适、对海外学生悉心关怀而受到世界各国留学生的广泛赞誉。迄今为止,绝大多数中国留学生都成功地完成了高中学业,获得了国际认可的《维多利亚教育证书》(VCE证书),并顺利地升入澳大利亚大学深造。



  值得一提的是,Mill Park Secondary College、North Geelong Secondary College、McClelland College、Carwatha College、Ringwood Secondary College等公立学校的实力都十分抢眼,不仅在澳大利亚,在全球都享有盛誉。

  Mill Park Secondary College米尔公园中学是墨尔本北部郊最大的中学,男女合校。设有面向留学生的英语中心,使其更好地学习英语、了解澳大利亚文化、增进学识。留学生需要先在英语中心上课。The United States ranks first in the world in education, and there are countless famous schools. Studying in the United States is more strict than applying for graduate studies. If you are going to the US to study undergraduate, you will basically start preparing for the first year.


American universities not only care about students' achievements, but also pay attention to students' specialties, interests, logical thinking and so on. Generally, applying to study in the United States is an online application. The small series summarizes the application time nodes of some famous schools. The dates of the schools are relatively close and slightly different.


The application time is a part of the application process that is worthy of attention. We will arrange the next interview and submit the materials according to the application time point of the application.


ED is Early Decision, which means that at the same time, you can only apply for an ED school. If the school is admitted, you can only go to this school.


EA is Early Action, translated as early action, you can apply for several schools at the same time, you can choose to enter after admission. Both of these are early admission applications and early acceptance applications. 1. National University of Singapore National University of Singapore

2. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Nanyang Technological University

3. Singapore Management University Singapore Management University

4. Singapore Polytechnic Singapore Polytechnic

5. Nanyang Institute of Technology, Singapore NanYang Polytechnic

6. Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore

Singapore Private University Rankings

1. Singapore's Zibo Higher Education

2. Singapore Institute of Management

3. Singapore East Asia Institute of Management

4. Singapore PSB Academy

5. Singapore Institute of Management Development

6. James Cook University, Singapore

7. Singapore Institution of Excellence

8. Singapore Tourism Management Institute

9. Singapore Bo Wei College of Education

10. Singapore ERC Academy

Singapore's top ten study abroad advantages

1. Singapore's law and order stability, beautiful environment, convenient transportation, Chinese majority, bilingual environment, Chinese students are easy to adapt.

2. Singapore's education system is in line with the world, and the diplomas and degrees obtained are internationally recognized.

3. The language or professional teachers registered by the Ministry of Education of Singapore provide high-quality teacher guarantee for international students. Affiliated to the US Top 500 listed company - Washington Post, the United States Kaplan Education Group.

A trusted international education brand:

Kaplan Education Group is a world-renowned multinational education group with an annual turnover of US$2.6 billion, 70 colleges and 1 million students. Kaplan Higher Education Institute (Singapore) is an officially registered college of the Ministry of Education of Singapore. In 2003, it was first awarded the Quality Education Institute (SQC-PEO) by the Singapore government and the Edu Trust.

The diploma is recognized by the Ministry of Manpower of Singapore:

Bachelor's and Master's degrees are recognised by the Singapore Ministry of Manpower. Graduates are eligible to apply for a one-year Work Permit Visa (EPEC) from the Singapore Ministry of Manpower and have the opportunity to immigrate to Singapore.

The most popular college for Singaporean and international students:

Kaplan Institute of Higher Education (Singapore) ranked second in the survey of private schools in Singapore, which was launched in December 2010. It is ranked first in junior colleges and advanced colleges and is the most trusted and popular college for Singaporean students and international students.

Internationally recognized degree diplomas from world-renowned universities:

You can earn a degree from the top 100 universities in the world (National University of Ireland, Dublin University ranks as the world's top 89 universities - 2009 British Thames), the university's degree is also recognized by the Singapore Ministry of Manpower, after graduation to Australia The world's leading universities in the UK, the US and Singapore continue to work or work in Singapore. College standard

New York School of Visual Arts

School of Visual Arts

School time: 1947

School Address: Manhattan, New York City

School nature: private university

Official website address: http://www.schoolofvisualarts.edu/

National Certification: Ministry of Education of China

TOFEL: 79 total number of students: 2541 tuition: $16,135/year

IELTS: 6.5 International Students: Proportion: 17% Acceptance Rate:

SAT: 0 teacher-student ratio: 1:4 as of application date: March 31

School Profile: The School of Visual Arts (SVA) New York School of Visual Arts is located in Manhattan, New York City, in the heart of the most central arts and arts center in the United States, across the East and West of New York City. The school has a total of 16 buildings, which is also the world's number one in terms of scale. SVA is recognized as a leader and innovator in international art education and is recognized as the highest peak of American design and art.

What is the Victorian Government Public Secondary School in Australia?

Victorian Government Schools (VGS) is the collective name for more than 100 public secondary schools under the Victorian Government. These schools are mainly located in various districts of Melbourne. VGS has been widely praised by international students for its high quality of teaching, high rate of enrollment, safe and comfortable learning environment and careful care for overseas students. So far, the vast majority of Chinese students have successfully completed high school, obtained the internationally recognized Victorian Education Certificate (VCE certificate), and successfully entered the Australian university for further study.


What are the characteristics of the school?

It is worth mentioning that the public schools such as Mill Park Secondary College, North Geelong Secondary College, McClelland College, Carwatha College, and Ringwood Secondary College are very eye-catching, not only in Australia, but also in the world.

Mill Park Secondary College is the largest secondary school in the northern suburbs of Melbourne, co-educational. There is an English language centre for international students to better learn English, understand Australian culture and enhance learning. International students need to take classes in the English Center.

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