
联系人:王老师    QQ/微信: 330877278

author:新加坡南洋理工学院毕业证样本      click:160









  关键词 正确选择中介




制学生签证申请有了新的变化。首先语言要求将比原来更加严格,2010年申请的学生将被要求达到雅思成绩6分以上。2010年签证信函(VISA LETTER)







According to industry insiders, since the study tour involves “tour” and “learning”, the boundaries are blurred, so there are long-term parties. Study abroad institutions and foreign exchange agencies receive some projects from foreign universities and organizations; domestic schools are more likely to carry out study tours through cooperation with foreign sister schools; language training schools are based on training outlets established around the world. It is possible to carry out overseas study tours; the travel agency develops and adds some famous schools on the basis of overseas travel routes. “Parents can get a glimpse of the characteristics of their study tours from different agencies. For example, language training schools may focus on language learning, travel agencies prefer to visit famous schools, etc.”


Clearing up the organization can help parents to roughly classify the study tour. This is a method. However, in the face of a wide range of study tours, how to choose? After the investigation, the reporter found that the current study tour programs in the market are mainly divided into four categories, each with its own focus.


Credit Course: Fashionable but carefully deceived


What is the most fashionable study tour now? Go to Stanford University, Boston University, Columbia University and other famous schools for summer vacation! The reporter learned that the content of many study tours is to go to a famous foreign school to study the "summer semester". Take American colleges and universities as an example. There will be a large number of courses for students to choose from during the summer vacation. At the same time, this semester is different from the other two semesters, and it is open to students all over the world.


For domestic students studying abroad, attending such a study tour can not only feel the atmosphere of the famous school in advance, but also participate in the class with the famous school students. More importantly, they can face the famous professors. “If you perform well, you can invite a professor to write a letter of recommendation. This is an important capital for applying to a prestigious US university in the future.” A study counseling agency told reporters.


At the end of such courses, some colleges and universities will issue a “Summer Semester” transcript with courses and credits for students. If you are admitted to these schools in the future, these credits can be converted into university credits. There are also some students who use transcripts as a weight for future foreign companies.


Letters of recommendation, credits, and aura of "prestigious students"... This type of study tour has a selling point, but many parents have doubts. The reporter learned that some students had planned to “make a class of students” and found that they were enrolled in “language classes” and learned English (forum) every day. This is because some study tourrs use the “premium summer class” as a cover to enroll students in local language schools.























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