
联系人:王老师    QQ/微信: 330877278

author:英国伯明翰大学毕业证样本      click:158

As McGuinty said, international students are very important to Ontario and can not only enrich the diversity of Canadian education. When these international students graduate, they can deepen the economic and trade exchanges between Ontario and their country of birth. According to this line of thinking, of course, the more students, the better. However, if Ontario emulates Australia, it will be an important means of fiscal revenue, but it is worth worrying.


International students will bring huge economic benefits, but if they are only used as one of the sources of fiscal revenue, they will not be able to provide high-quality education and protect their interests, and will not benefit the long-term future of Ontario. Unlike international students, local students are subsidized and protected by the government, and the increase in tuition fees cannot exceed 5% per year. Local students can march to protest against high tuition fees, but the high tuition fees of international students lack sufficient attention and their voices are always ignored.


The mark of the Canadian think tank The mark pointed out that the Ontario government's policy of enrolling international students is good, but the government must ensure that the interests of international students cannot be exploited by high school fees on the one hand, and ignored by schools and educational institutions and even welfare institutions on the other. Only treat them as "cash cows."


It is reported that international students bring 6.1 billion yuan in income to Canada each year, half of which is in Ontario. If you increase the number of international students in Ontario by 50%, it will bring a considerable amount of income. The income generated by the increase in international students is not only tuition, but their daily consumption can promote the economy of Ontario. It is estimated that the current 38,000 international students in Ontario spend up to 1 billion yuan on accommodation, food and clothing.


The outside world has misunderstandings about international students. They always think that they are wealthy people. In fact, many foreign students’ tuition fees are family savings and even loans. If the Ontario government regards international students as “cash cows” and continues to squeeze, it is a very unwise choice because students also have the right to choose. If Ontario's tuition is high, the quality of education declines, and the employment situation is not good, then students will go to other "oasis", that is, choose other countries to study.


Educational institution managers are keenly aware of the imminent problem of financial distress and are looking for solutions. Enrollment of international students seems to be the quickest way to solve problems. Currently, they pay more than four times more tuition than local students, and these fees are not subject to any controls, meaning that educational institutions can raise tuition fees from “affordable” to unacceptably high prices in the short term. Therefore, more international students mean more income.


If international students are an important source of financial revenue, the University of Ontario, which is facing challenges, will face a more complex situation. Although the government has invested in post-secondary education, the University of Ontario still lacks sufficient funds. If the blind expansion of enrollment at this moment will only affect the quality of education.


The current teacher-student ratio in Ontario is 27:1, which is the highest in Canada. This will not guarantee sufficient communication between students and teachers and the quality of teaching, which not only arouses the vigilance of educational institutions, but also causes dissatisfaction among many university teachers. In addition, the old facilities in the University of Ontario, such as aging laboratories, map embassies, classrooms, etc., are in urgent need of renovation or even reconstruction. At the same time, due to the fiscal deficit, Ontario universities and colleges have had to suspend recruitment and cut departmental budgets. The financial dilemma will certainly limit the choice of courses, and it will lead to overcrowding in the classroom, which will ultimately degrade the quality of education in Ontario.麦坚迪强调,由于中国及印度的学生可能需要更多追求更高学历的机会,而安省又是如此开放性。在吸引国际留学生方面,虽然可能有澳、美的竞争,但麦坚迪仍表示对本国教育品质能吸引留学生就读有十足的信心。






  加拿大智库The mark就指出,安省政府扩招留学生的政策固然好,但政府必须确保留学生的利益,不能让留学生们一方面被高学费剥削,另一方面被学校和教育机构甚至福利机构所忽视,只把他们当成“摇钱树”。












  随着越来越多的学生涌入校园,这些问题将越来越恶化。安省大学议会(the Council of Ontario Universities)去年的一份报告显示,在经济衰退背景下,人们纷纷选择返回学校进修,取得另外的学位;不仅如此,在未来十年中,安省大学和学院将增加75,000名申请者,这一增长主要集中在大多伦多地区。如果没有资金投入,扩大学校规模,安省大学将面临严重的“质量危机”。





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