
联系人:王老师    QQ/微信: 330877278

author:英国白金汉大学毕业证样本      click:180






The most common topic--particularly if only one essay is required--is the first, "tell us about yourself." Since this kind of essay has no specific focus, applicants sometimes have trouble deciding which part of their lives to write about. Beware of the chronological list of events that produces dull reading. Remember, also, to accent the positive rather than the negative side of an experience. If you write about the effect of a death, divorce, or illness on your life, tell about but don't dwell on your bad luck and disappointments.

Instead, emphasize what you have learned from the experience, and how coping with adversity has strengthened you as an individual.

1.      Tie yourself to the college: Why are you interested in attending, and what can the institution do for you? Be specific. Go beyond "XYZ College will best allow me to realize my academic potential.

2.      Read the directions carefully and follow them to the letter. In other words, if the essay is supposed to be 500 words or less, don't submit 1000 words.

3.      Consider the unique features of the institution, e.g., a liberal arts college will be impressed with the variety of academic and personal interests you might have, while an art institute would be most interested in your creative abilities.

4.      Be positive, upbeat and avoid the negatives, e.g. I am applying to your school because I won't be required to take physical education or a foreign language.

5.      Emphasize what you have learned, e.g. provide more than a narration when recounting an experience.



出国留学是同学们的一个人生新起点,学校及专业的选择很可能会影响到一生的发展道路,出国留学是一个长远的计划及人生规划,院校及专业的选择则是这人生长卷的第一笔。Since Japan officially proposed the “Receipt of 300,000 International Students Program” in January this year, Japanese study has warmed up again. The core of this new policy is to recruit outstanding talents from Asia to study in Japan and then enter Japanese companies. The plan clearly states that in the future, the enrollment ratio of the Graduate School of Japan (Graduate School) will be expanded, and the ratio of undergraduate and graduate students will be adjusted from 5:3 to 5:5. But this does not mean an increase in the difficulty of enrolling undergraduates. In other words, after the transition of Chinese students through language courses, there is generally no question of not taking the university in Japan.

I have talked to Japanese friends around me about this problem. AA is a kind of social way, representing a communication culture in Japan. I told the Japanese that the Chinese pay attention to the face and pay attention to the concept of friendship. Therefore, according to the traditional Chinese social way, today, please, tomorrow, I will return to you, and the friendship will enhance the feelings. When you engage in an AA system, you will not be a friend, and you will no longer come and go. The Japanese, on the other hand, feel that the Chinese are dying for life. Pay the same money, enjoy the same food and service, talk on an equal footing, and don't just sit down and start worrying that you are afraid of too many expensive and astounding wines and dishes, so that you keep stealing and calculating yourself. Have you brought enough money? In fact, it is not unreasonable to think about it carefully, because indeed everyone will be friends, customers or colleagues in the company. After dinner, they will start to ask when they will return, and they will be able to give each other their own face. It is really very Tired things.

In recent years, there have been more and more Japanese people who have come to China to develop their careers or simply settled. When I was on a business trip to Shanghai last time, I went to see Japanese people who have worked in China for many years, to see how they are treated and how to use Chinese when they take a taxi. Fluently and the driver ridiculed, I feel that they have indeed fully integrated into the Chinese life, but slowly chat, little by little after learning about their little life in China, they know that they still like to go to Japanese restaurants, like and Japanese friends in China enjoy a set meal with dishes and drinks. “Chinese food is great, but it’s all single items. In the end, sometimes I don’t know how much I will eat, or the package is more convenient.” They laughed and explained this.

For many Chinese students, Japan’s appeal has been much worse than before. There are both educational and economic reasons. From an educational point of view, domestic English education is popular, most junior high schools and high schools teach English, and the proportion of Japanese is very small. They naturally want to study in English-speaking countries. From the way out, I went to study in an English-speaking country. After graduation, I had a wide range of adaptations. This is also a failure to study in Japan.

In the early days of opening up, there are only a few countries that can study abroad, but today, the information is very developed, and domestic students have a wide choice of studying abroad. The author has encountered a large number of Chinese students in Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe. They can lower the cost of studying abroad and exchange for the same undergraduate diploma.

However, there are still some recommendations for Chinese students studying in Japan today. First of all, studying in Japan can be exposed to both cultures. In terms of jurisprudence, you can directly read the British and American, German and French literature, as well as the changes in the process of the West. For China, which is also a civil law system, Japan’s experience is very important. In engineering and science, there have been many Nobel Prize winners in Japan, ranking first in the world. This is also an area worth learning.



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