
联系人:王老师    QQ/微信: 330877278

author:都柏林理工学院      click:189





此外,爱尔兰政府一直注重培养学生的“实操”能力。在注重教育投资的同时,更注重将社会工业、产业和教育相紧密的结合,鼓励社会工业和企业将自身的运作、发展信息及时传达给院校,爱尔兰的院校又根据这些信息和需求,随时调整自己的课程。对于国内有一定实践经验的的“六大生”,此种教学特色无疑更适合他们接受欧洲学术理论,为自己以后的就业和个人发展打下坚实的基础。马来西亚成为人们转读欧美国家的跳板。成功的当地转签、相对欧美低廉的学费、完全相同的学历已经被很多工薪阶层的子弟所证实。无英文要求、节省时间、节省费用、材料简便及办理周期短。马来西亚的许多优质私立学府与英美澳等第三国开设1+2,2+1,3+0 联办课程,学生可以在大马就读一年或者二年后转向第三国就读欧美名校。例如,泰莱大学与法国图卢兹大学的联办课程,英迪大学 与英国赫特福德 大学的联办课程。亚太科技大学与英国Staffordshire 大学的联办文凭。
























  就读院校:林登大学学院 马来西亚万达学院 史丹福学院 世纪大学 思特雅国际大学学院 英迪国际大学


Dublin Institute of Technology Pharmaceutical Quality Management: Dublin Institute of Technology is the only university in Ireland that offers pharmaceutical quality management. The major is a highly professional master's program, and the students enrolled are mainly students with backgrounds in pharmacy, biology, bioengineering, and chemistry. The professional system lasts for 1 year (including two semesters) and includes 12 20-hour teaching modules. After completing the teaching module, students will be assigned to the internship and complete the thesis.


Admission requirements: (1) Bachelor degree in domestic undergraduate pharmacy, biology, bioengineering, etc.; (2) undergraduate scores of more than 75% (3) IELTS 6.0

The history of Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT) dates back to the technical college established in 1887. Today's Dublin Institute of Technology was founded in 1992 by the merger of six independent colleges under the Dublin Institute of Technology Act. The six colleges were the Technical College established in 1887, the Conservatory of Music founded in 1890, the Business School established in 1901, the School of Marketing and Design founded in 1905, the School of Engineering established in 1911, and the College of Catering in 1941. . After more than 100 years of development, the college has grown to become the largest institution of higher learning in Ireland, with more than 21,000 students, offering courses ranging from elementary higher vocational training courses to postdoctoral research courses. At present, the Irish Higher Education Institute recognizes Chinese college education, including the University of the Night, the National University of China, the TV University, the letter and the self-study. The college graduates can apply directly to Ireland to study for a bachelor's degree. At the same time, the cost of studying in Ireland is only one-third of the old English study abroad, which is also a major reason for attracting Chinese students. Experts say that enrollment in Ireland in February and September 2011 has already begun, and students who want to enroll next year should start acting now.


In addition, the Irish government allows international students to have a half-year job in Ireland after obtaining a degree certificate in Ireland. Once a student is employed by an Irish company, they can be transferred from a student visa to a work visa.


In addition, the Irish government has always focused on developing students' “real” skills. While paying attention to investment in education, it pays more attention to the close integration of social industry, industry and education, and encourages social industries and enterprises to timely communicate their operation and development information to institutions. According to these information and needs, Irish institutions also Adjust your course at any time. For the "six major students" who have certain practical experience in China, this kind of teaching features is undoubtedly more suitable for them to accept European academic theories and lay a solid foundation for their future employment and personal development. Malaysia has become a springboard for people to read to European and American countries. Successful local transfer, relatively low tuition fees in Europe and the United States, and the same academic qualifications have been confirmed by many working-class children. No English requirements, saving time, saving money, simple materials and short processing period. Many high-quality private institutions in Malaysia offer 1+2, 2+1, 3+0 joint courses with third countries such as Britain, the United States and Australia. Students can transfer to a third country to study in Europe and the United States after one or two years. For example, the joint program of Taylor's University and the University of Toulouse, France, and the joint program of INTI University and the University of Hertfordshire, UK. A joint diploma from the Asia Pacific University of Science and Technology and the University of Staffordshire, UK.

(1) Further study for higher degree

Many graduates from Malaysian colleges and universities have chosen to pursue a variety of master's degree programs in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Singapore, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Hong Kong, South Africa, Austria and European developed countries. Improve your academic qualifications. Malaysian institutions will help students prepare for access to overseas channels. Malaysia's diploma certification is recognized by many foreign universities.

(2) Returning to China for development

After graduating from many Chinese students, they returned to China to seek development opportunities. Many people occupy important positions in government agencies, state-owned enterprises, foreign-funded enterprises, and private enterprises, and most of them go to foreign-funded enterprises. Weijiu study experts reminded that if students choose to return to China, it is best to choose a private university in Malaysia that is approved by the Ministry of Education of China. After returning to China, students can obtain proof of returning students at the embassy. The accredited schools can be involved in the Ministry of Education of China. Information supervision network query.

(3) Seeking development in Malaysia

Some students stayed in Malaysia after graduation. Students can find jobs and conduct business cooperation locally. This applies for a Malaysian work permit and will soon become a permanent resident of the area. Weijiu study experts said that the internship system implemented by local schools in Malaysia is very beneficial to the employment of students, such as the internship arranged by the University of Styria, the French internship in the last semester of Taylor's University, and the Asia-Pacific University of Science and Technology in the National Science Park. practice.

(4) Seeking development in other countries and regions. After returning to Korea, there are relatively many job opportunities. “The first reason is that the shortage of Korean language talents has caused a large number of Korean businessmen to invest in China, and the cost of translation is high, especially in small and medium-sized Korean enterprises; Secondly, large Korean companies and consortia are also very much looking forward to localization in China. Chinese students are naturally the first choice. In these enterprises, the starting salary is higher, and the investment in studying abroad is much faster than other countries.” Xie Yiqin said.

Irish University Diploma

Study abroad conditions in Korea



1. Undergraduate: High school or above, received 12 years of education, under 25 years of age.



2, transfer credits: college graduates or undergraduate sophomores, apply for relevant professional transfer credits, in principle, under 28 years of age.



3. Graduate student: Bachelor degree with a bachelor's degree.



4. Fund guarantee: RMB 100,000, with a deposit period of more than 6 months.

Go to work, build a career, and seek personal development. According to the feedback from Taylors University graduates, many students have become middle and senior managers in five-star hotels and resorts in France and Australia. Weijiu study experts recommend that students who want to develop like this choose an internationally indeficiency major, such as the nursing of the University of Styria, the logistics profession, the accounting finance of INTI University, the engineering major of Linden University, and the creative multimedia design of Lin Guorong University. Professional and so on. Professional Features: Quality engineering undergraduate programs provide students with a solid foundation in the face of modern and future technology. The course contains theoretical concepts, engineering practice skills and teamwork, and can be used to solve problems encountered in the engineering field, which fully reflects the development of the combination of theory and practice. Well-trained students will have the creativity of their work after they study. They are the key people to create the future, and they will become the most valuable professional engineers in this industry.

Curriculum: A four-year, full-time undergraduate program that covers a wide range of disciplines, from electronic science and circuit design to computers, power systems, control, communications, digital networks, and work placements.

Institutions: Linden University College Wanda College Malaysia Stanford College SEGi University Stuart International University College INTI International University

Employment: This program provides students with a good foundation in the fields of electronics, integrated circuit design, electronic communication, digital signal processing, electronic power systems, software systems engineering, and management consulting. Work in a professional field provides good analytical and professional skills.


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