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author:东京大学      click:178






  纳吉说,经济转型计划下131个入口点计划及60项商机,以推动大马成为高收入国。他表示,这131个入口点计划中,信息领域在其中85个计划中扮息息相关。“多媒体超级走廊在过去13年中,已成为马来西亚重要资产,我希望在未来的10年,这项计划继续成为政府的其中一个重要的指标,以让大马成为发达、创新与高收入的国家。”以往,留学生是不允许在就读学校以外的地方工作,即使是大专或大学毕业生,也必须在毕业后先找到与其学习专业相关的工作才能申请一年的工作签证。由于赴加的留学生人数每年在不断增长,同时也为了让留学生更好的适应加拿大当地的文化生活,移民部放宽了留学生在读期间工作的限制,从2003年起先在曼省展开了校外工作签证计划(Off-Campus Work Permit Program),2004年推广至魁省及纽宾士域省,直到2006年,此计划已推行至全国各省。


  这个校外工作签证计划允许留学生在常规的课程下每周工作20小时,以取得实际的工作经验。而在2008年中更新的毕业后工作签证计划(Post Graduate Work Permit)更是让符合规定合资格的应届大专或大学毕业生,可以一次性的申请到3年的工作签证。此两项政策其实已经给予了留学生在学习期间和毕业后找工作方面极大的弹性空间。但尽管如此,还是有不少留学生选择冒险在没有合法的工作签证下非法工作。


  事实上,留学生只要持有有效就读许可证,就读公立专上学院的全职课程,并在过去12个月内至少有6个月全职上课,且成绩达到学校要求,即可申请校外工作签证(Off-Campus Work Permit)。另外,只要留学生在加拿大完成公立专上学府的学位或证书课程后,而课程不短于四个学期,即可申请长达三年的工作签证,而不像以前一样,留学生毕业后必须先找到跟课程相关的工作才能申请工作签证。


  其实,留学生非法打工弊多于利。首先,留学生如在学习期间工作每周多于法定的二十小时,除了违反法例外,还很容易导致成绩退步,影响学业;如被发现,其校外工作签证(Off-campus Work Permit)将会被收回,且永久失去重新申请的资格。另外,学生在申请移民时,过去在不合法的情况下工作的经验,不能当作符合移民条件的工作经验。最后,由于非法打工的工资多数是以现金支付,学生不会有任何税务纪录。对学生而言,这表面看似并非坏事,但当学生以后要申请父母旅游或探亲,甚至将来要做贷款时,在没有良好的交税纪录下,这些申请被拒的可能性就会提高。中国有越来越多的外资企业进驻中国市场,如何在中国HRM人力方向更加的本土化,HR方面科班出身的高级管理人才稀缺,是目前中国市场所面临的问题。那么问题接踵而来,如果将来从事人力资源管理需要什么样的素质?最基本的素质,就是需要有较好的沟通能力,愿意与人交流,同时需要有较敏锐的观察能力,通过谈话、交流,能够了解更多信息,从本质上讲,人力毕竟是跟人打交道,还是需要有较开朗的性格为基础。


敦政治经济学院有一个是纯HRM,另一个专业是国际雇主关系与人力资源,这个更难申请,因为最终入学名额少。最终注册入学量不到35。这2个专业都要GMAT或GRE,有工作经验可加分。要绩点3.6+,不太接受网大100之后的申请。前一个注册量一般在50左右,700左右申请量。Malaysian Prime Minister Najib pointed out that the government will ensure that the information and communication industry continues to play an important role in the Malaysian economy, so that in 2015, the information and communications industry accounted for 10.2% of the gross national product.

He said that in order to achieve this goal, the government actively solves the problem of insufficient talents in the information and communication industry in Malaysia. In addition to actively attracting foreign talents from Malaysia, it also cultivates 25,000 graduates in the information field to invest in the local information industry. .

“In addition, the government also reviews the current immigration policy and issues 1,000 work permits per year to local universities. The 1,000 best foreign students in the information course are allowed to serve in Malaysia.”

Najib said that the government hopes that these top graduates will contribute to the information industry in Malaysia. Najib pointed out to reporters after hosting the 13th Multimedia Super Corridor International Advisory Group meeting on the 7th local time.

He said that the second multimedia super-corridor plan will be completed this year. This plan has exceeded the original target. From 2004 to 2010, the plan will have a production capacity of RM35 billion and create 83,000 jobs. opportunity.

He emphasized that the third multimedia super corridor project will continue to play an important role in the Malaysian economy. The third phase of the plan coincides with the government's economic transformation plan.

Najib said that there are 131 entry point plans and 60 business opportunities under the economic transformation plan to promote Malaysia as a high-income country. He said that in the 131 entry point plans, the information field is closely related to 85 of them. “The Multimedia Super Corridor has become an important asset in Malaysia for the past 13 years. I hope that in the next 10 years, this program will continue to be an important indicator of the government to make Malaysia a developed, innovative and high-income country. In the past, international students were not allowed to work outside the school. Even college or university graduates must find a job related to their major after graduation to apply for a one-year work visa. Since the number of international students studying in Canada is increasing every year, and in order to make international students better adapt to the local cultural life in Canada, the Department of Immigration has relaxed the restrictions on the work of international students during their studies. Since 2003, they have started an off-campus work visa program in Manitoba. (Off-Campus Work Permit Program), promoted to Quebec and New Brunswick in 2004, until 2006, the program has been implemented to all provinces of the country.


This off-campus work visa program allows international students to work 20 hours a week under regular courses to gain practical work experience. The Post Graduate Work Permit, which was updated in mid-2008, allows qualified junior college graduates or university graduates to apply for a one-year work visa for one year. These two policies have actually given international students a great flexibility in finding work during and after graduation. But despite this, there are still many international students who choose to take risks and work illegally without a valid work visa.


In fact, international students can apply for an off-campus work visa if they hold a valid study permit, attend a full-time course at a public post-secondary college, and attend a full-time course for at least 6 months in the past 12 months. -Campus Work Permit). In addition, as long as the international student completes a degree or certificate program in a public post-secondary institution in Canada, and the course is not shorter than four semesters, they can apply for a three-year work visa, instead of the same as before, the international student must first find it after graduation. Work related to the course can apply for a work visa.


In fact, illegal employment of international students is more harmful than profit. First of all, if the international students work more than the legal 20 hours a week during the study period, in addition to the violation of the law, it is easy to cause the performance to decline, affecting the school; if found, its Off-campus Work Permit will Was recovered and permanently lost the eligibility to reapply. In addition, when students apply for immigration, their past experience of working in an illegal situation cannot be regarded as work experience that meets immigration conditions. Finally, since most of the wages for illegal employment are paid in cash, students will not have any tax records. For students, this may not seem to be a bad thing, but when students want to apply for parental travel or family visits, or even make loans in the future, the possibility of rejection of these applications will increase without a good tax record. There are more and more foreign-funded enterprises in China entering the Chinese market. How to make the HRM manpower direction more localized in China, and the shortage of senior management talents from the HR department is a problem facing the Chinese market. Then the questions come one after another, what kind of qualities do you need for human resources management in the future? The most basic quality is that you need to have good communication skills, be willing to communicate with others, and you need to have a keen ability to observe. Through conversation and communication, you can learn more information. In essence, human beings deal with people after all. Still need to be based on a more cheerful personality.

What are the advantages of the UK's human resources profession to attract Chinese students? It can be said that the curriculum of the human resources management courses in the UK is very detailed, from the preparation of the staff in the early stage of preparation, to the reasonable incentives for employees, to the dismissal and the issuance of pensions. Of course, the UK's human resources management profession will not be as broad as the Chinese test-taking model. Most universities in the UK have set up the Human Resource Management Program (HRM) of the School of Industrial Relations. There are faculties and research institutions specializing in HR, such as the University of Manda-Human Resources Development, which is a very specialized department. Training and development aspects. Students who study this major, employment is not a goal, but which world-renowned companies can apply. Some of them go to the enterprise to do HR, to go to headhunting, to go to government departments, some to teach, and to work in consulting companies.

One of the London School of Economics and Political Science is pure HRM, and the other is international employer relations and human resources. This is even more difficult to apply because there are fewer final admissions. The final enrollment is less than 35. These two majors must be GMAT or GRE, and work experience can add points. A grade point of 3.6+ is required, and applications after the Nets 100 are not accepted. The previous registration amount is generally around 50, and the application amount is around 700.

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