
联系人:王老师    QQ/微信: 330877278

author:德国都柏林城市大学      click:154

Advantages: Insurance Actuarial, International Public Relations, Mathematical Finance, Applied Mathematics

Specially applicable population: research-oriented, academic students


Recommended reason: Australian National Research Center


Institution reputation


● Its MBA program ranks in the top 10 in the Asia Pacific region;


● 16th in the international rankings in 2006; Australia ranked 1st;


● is the only federal government university in Australia;


● The Australian National University, with more than 50 years of school history, is a research university, the Australian National Research Center, and the most advanced research center in Australia. It has always been a leader in academia, attracting the world's best professors from Australia and student;


● This national university has the highest level of teaching staff in Australia, 78% of whom have doctoral or higher degrees, far exceeding the national average of 50%. A degree obtained at the Australian National University is a highly recognized, worldwidely recognized degree;


● The school's teaching and research level enjoys a high reputation internationally and has been twice rated as a first-grade university by the Australian Higher Education Quality Supervision Committee;


● The school has the best computer facilities in Australia, and the ratio of computers available to students is the highest among all Australian universities;


● The MBA program ranks in the top 10 in the Asia Pacific region;


● Three of the eight Nobel Prizes ever won in Australia were obtained by the Australian National University;


● In June 2000, Asia Weekly named the Australian National University as “Australia's leading multidisciplinary university”;


● Australia's “Good University Guide” has always regarded the Australian National University's student services as the best;


● In June 2000, Asia Weekly ranked the Australian National University as the first university in Asia and Australia and the first in the financial resources category.

澳大利亚国立大学(The Australian National University, ANU):入学难度:☆☆☆☆☆


















●这所国家级大学拥有全澳洲最高水准的教师队伍,其中78%有着博士或更高的学位,远远超出了全国50%的平均水平。 在澳大利亚国立大学取得的学位是具有极高声誉的、被全世界认可的学位;















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联 系 人:王老师 微 信:330877278 Q Q: 330877278


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