
联系人:王老师    QQ/微信: 330877278

author:澳洲墨尔本大学      click:138































学生申请预科课程时,可同时申请到大学本科课程的有条件录取信。但是学生必须要在预科结束时,达到大学本科课程要求的分数。如果学生没有达到该大学的要求,也可以申请别的大学。 Researchers analysed data from a gender survey completed in 24 countries,It found daughters are more likely to be employed if their mothers worked


    These daughters also earn more and have more senior positions than those with stay-at-home mothers。


    And working mothers may also encourage sons to be more caring


    Going back to work can be a difficult decision for some mothers after having children。


    But a study has found that leaving your child to go to work may have significant benefits on them later in life。


    Daughters of working mothers are more likely to be employed, earn more and have more senior positions than girls with a stay-at-home parent。


    Researchers from Harvard Business School analysed data from the Family and Changing Gender Roles section of the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP)。


    The survey covers 24 countries, including North and South America, Australia, Europe, Asia and the Middle East。


    They discovered that adult daughters of employed mothers are more likely to be employed than adult daughters of mothers who stay home full-time when their children are young。


    When employed, daughters of employed mothers work more hours, are better compensated, and are more likely to hold supervisory positions than daughters of stay-at-home mothers。


    For sons, though, the pattern is different。

    不过对于男生来说,会稍微有一些不同。 游戏产业在美国是一个蒸蒸日上的行业,并且越来越多的国际学生都将自己对电子游戏的热忱转化为职业,选择从事游戏设计工作。然而,在申请美国游戏设计专业之前,申请者们还需要进行很多的功课。越来越多的国际学生在留学美国时选择游戏设计专业攻读学位。事实上,几乎每一个人对电子游戏都会有有或多或少的喜爱,而对于许多国际学生来说,在美国从事游戏设计工作的梦想也已成为现实。赴美学习游戏设计专业的一大优势就是其为国际学生提供了充足的就业机会。另外,鉴于该专业在美国国内的申请率有所降低,而游戏产业的蓬勃发展以及政府的巨额财政支持,国际学生此时申请该专业时机最佳。



















  1. 应用设计类:交互设计、视觉传达、工业产品设计、舞台设计、插画、游戏设计等


  2. 服装时尚类:服装设计、珠宝设计、服饰品设计、时尚营销及买手、时尚管理、形象设计、时尚摄影


  3. 影视传媒类:导演、电影制作、影视特效、数字媒体、动画、混音艺术等


  4. 建筑景观类:建筑设计、景观园林、城市规划、室内空间设计等


  5. 造型艺术类:油画、雕塑、陶瓷、摄影、版画等


  6. 音乐类:钢琴、音乐剧、声乐、midi制作、作曲等


  7. 艺术管理类:文化管理、艺术品市场、艺术评论约大学The quality of Australian education is of international standard. Australian universities offer a lot of practical majors. Students who choose to study in Australia will choose to work in the local area after graduation. In the face of many professions, how should we choose? Let us take a look at the hot majors studying in Australia.


Including professional: In the SOL technology immigration occupation list, 20 engineers including aeronautical engineers, biomedical engineers, civil engineers, electrical and electronic engineers, mechanical engineers, mining engineers, petroleum engineers, communications engineers are all immigrant occupations.

Development prospects: Australia has a strong demand for engineering professionals; engineering graduates have high employment rates and starting salaries; most engineering majors are immigrants, and students can not only obtain degrees and engineer qualifications, but also have access to Australian Green Card;

Representative institutions: University of Melbourne, University of New South Wales, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Curtin University of Technology, University of Queensland, University of Adelaide, University of Wollongong, University of South Australia, etc.

Energy industry

Including majors: mining, petroleum, etc.

Development prospects: As a major energy country, Australia has great advantages in many energy fields. Australia is one of the world's major energy suppliers and the largest exporter of iron ore. At the same time, Western Australia's oil, mineral resources and world-class exploration, mining and operation technologies, the world's major resource companies have settled in Western Australia.

Our country is now also a talented person in the energy field, whether it is a technician or a manager. Australia and China have very close cooperation in many energy fields. Therefore, whether it is in Australia or returning to China, the energy profession is a very promising specialty;

The two best universities in mining and petroleum engineering are the University of Western Australia and Curtin University of Technology, located in Perth, the capital of Western Australia. The employment rate of graduates is basically 100%, and the starting salary is 80,000 Australian dollars. All engineering majors, including mining and petroleum engineering, must complete undergraduate study in Australia to become a member of the Royal Australian Institute of Engineers and become a registered engineer. It is also a "green card" for engineering in the world. 1. What is the Foundation Year?

The so-called preparatory course is the university's basic preparatory course. It is designed for international students who cannot meet the undergraduate course directly. It is also the main way for high school students to progress to the ideal university in Australia.

Second, why choose to read the preparatory course?

The Foundation Year is designed to give international students a transitional curriculum that adapts to Australian teaching and living environment, enhances students' English communication skills, and helps students understand Australian education. According to statistics, students who have entered the undergraduate program after completing the Foundation Year in Australia have achieved better grades than those who entered the university directly after the college entrance examination.

In addition, Chinese high school students, if they want to apply to the University of Melbourne, must advance to the first year of the University of Melbourne undergraduate course. The University of Melbourne is the only Australian university that does not accept the results of the Chinese College Entrance Examination.

Third, how to choose a preparatory course?

A college preparatory program usually connects with the undergraduate degree of the university. There are a few issues to be aware of when choosing a preparatory course:

School: Choose according to the professional characteristics and regions of each school.

Major: The pre-professional orientation of each school is different, and it can be selected according to the direction of the undergraduate course in the future.

Starting school: Some preparatory courses, only one school a year, usually February; some preparatory courses, two times a year, February, July. You can choose according to your own time.

4. What kind of person is suitable for reading?

After reading the students in the second year of the country;

Senior high school students;

high school graduates.

5. Since high school, high school, and high school graduates must read the preparatory course, then what time is more appropriate to read?

Most of Australia's prestigious schools require students to enter undergraduate studies through preparatory courses. Some preparatory courses start only once a year, usually in February; some preparatory courses start twice a year, in February and July. You can choose your own admission time according to your own situation.

There are also individual universities (only among the eight universities, Monash University and the University of Adelaide), which provide high school diplomas for high school graduates. After the completion of the freshman diploma course, you can directly enter the second year of university. The course is denser but saves students a lot of time. Therefore, it can be comprehensively considered in combination with the students' own achievements, learning ability, and their independent living ability and English ability.

6. Is it necessary to provide a college entrance examination score for applying for a preparatory course?

Australian college preparatory applications do not require college entrance examination results, only the average grades of high school students.

7. Does the preparatory course also have language requirements?

The Australian Foundation Year also has language requirements and requires an IELTS score of 5 to 5.5. Courses of different lengths have different requirements for IELTS scores and academic grades. If the IELTS score does not meet the entry requirements, the school will assign a language course to the student; if the student does not have a language score at the time of application, some schools will allow the student to take the university's own language test.

Eight, after reading a college preparatory course, can you only read the undergraduate degree of this university?

No, students can apply for undergraduate studies at other universities based on their individual circumstances.

9. After completing the Foundation Year, will you be able to enter the corresponding undergraduate course?

When applying for the Foundation Year, students can apply for a conditional admission letter to the undergraduate course at the same time. However, students must meet the required grades for undergraduate courses at the end of the Foundation Year. If you do not meet the requirements of the university, you can apply to another university. Researchers analysed data from a gender survey completed in 24 countries,It found daughters are more likely to be employed if their mothers worked

????The investigators analyzed gender analysis data from 24 countries and found that working mothers made it easier for their daughters to find work.

????These daughters also earn more and have more senior positions than those with stay-at-home mothers.

????Similarly, children with working mothers will get more salary and have more potential than full-time mothers.

????And working mothers may also encourage sons to be more caring

????In addition, working mothers will give their son more encouragement and care.

????Going back to work can be a difficult decision for some mothers after having children.

????For some mothers who have had children, it may be a difficult choice to go back to work.

????But a study has found that leaving your child to go to work may have significant benefits on them later in life.

????But a survey shows that mothers who have returned to work after giving birth have many benefits.

????Daughters of working mothers are more likely to be employed, earn more and have more senior positions than girls with a stay-at-home parent.

????For girls whose mothers have jobs, it will be easier to find a job and have more salary.

????Researchers from Harvard Business School analysed data from the Family and Changing Gender Roles section of the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP).

????This is a survey from Harvard Business School's International Society for Family and Gender Role Conversion Survey.

????The survey covers 24 countries, including North and South America, Australia, Europe, Asia and the Middle East.

????The survey involved 24 countries, including the northern and southern United States, Australia, Europe, Asia and the Middle East.

????They discovered that adult daughters of employed mothers are more likely to be employed than adult daughters of mothers who stay home full-time when their children are young.

????They found that girls whose mothers have jobs are more likely to find jobs than daughters of full-time mothers.

????When employed, daughters of employed mothers work more hours, are better compensated, and are more likely to hold supervisory positions than daughters of stay-at-home mothers.

????When they are hired, girls who have a working mother will work harder and have higher pay and be better managed.

????For sons, though, the pattern is different.

????But for boys, there will be some differences. The game industry is a thriving industry in the United States, and more and more international students are turning their enthusiasm for video games into careers and choosing to engage in game design. However, before applying for the US game design profession, applicants still need to do a lot of homework. More and more international students choose a game design major to study for a degree while studying in the United States. In fact, almost everyone has a more or less love for video games, and for many international students, the dream of playing game design in the United States has become a reality. One of the great advantages of studying game design in the United States is that it provides sufficient employment opportunities for international students. In addition, in view of the reduced application rate of the profession in the United States, the booming development of the game industry and the huge financial support of the government, international students have the best time to apply for the profession at this time.




Game history and its development, programming, game art introduction, computer theory, game technology, game design guidelines, game production, level design, 3D modeling, narrative design, game system, experience design, software architecture, 3D content creation, (game Engine development, game rules, software engineering, game design architecture, physics, calculus, trigonometry, linear algebra.


[Recommended institutions]


University of Southern California


Rochester Institute of Technology



San Francisco Art University


Sheffield Hallam University


[Other professional training content]


1. Application design categories: interaction design, visual communication, industrial product design, stage design, illustration, game design, etc.


2. Fashion categories: fashion design, jewelry design, apparel design, fashion marketing and buying, fashion management, image design, fashion photography


3. Film and television media: director, film production, film and television special effects, digital media, animation, mixing art, etc.


4. Architectural landscape: architectural design, landscape architecture, urban planning, interior space design, etc.


5. Plastic arts: oil painting, sculpture, ceramics, photography, printmaking, etc.


6. Music: piano, musical, vocal, midi production, composition, etc.


7. Art Management: Cultural Management, Art Market, Art Review, University

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