
联系人:王老师    QQ/微信: 330877278

作者:加拿大约克大学毕业证样本      浏览:187



  一种来自法国的咖啡,欧蕾跟拿铁一样,是一种加牛奶的咖啡。只不过,它不是用意式咖啡做的,而是用普通的黑咖啡加奶,所以口味没那么浓烈。和拿铁一样,au lait 也是个简称。全称是 coffee au lait(欧蕾咖啡)

  au lait 在法语里的意思是“和奶”。对于出国留学的学生和家长来说,首先要考虑到的是费用的问题。百年一遇的金融危机、持续坚挺的人民币汇率,让中国学生出国留学的花销变得便宜了。近期,留学美、英、澳、加等热门国家的花费普遍下降了3万至9万元。其中,留学美国的花费已经从2009年以前的22万至34万/年下降到14万至28万/年;英国的花费从22万至30万/年降至18万至25万/年;加拿大的留学费用从15万至25万/年降至11万至22万/年;澳大利亚的花费也从16万至18万/年降至目前的11.5万至15.8万/年。相比之下,原本费用就相对便宜的亚洲国家,下降幅度相对较小。日本的留学费用均下降了2万至3.5万元。本文对热门国家的留学费用进行了归纳总结,并按照费用高低排出了次序,希望能为想出国留学的学生提供帮助。




  美国的大学收费标准差别比较大,每个州除了有私立大学外也有很多公立大学,其中也有不少名牌。普通私立大学本科课程每年的学费约为1.7万-2.4万美元,名牌私立大学则超过3万美元。美国公立大学的收费一般低于私立大学,每年学费约为0.9万-1.4万美元。其中,学费根据专业不同也不一样。理工类和经济类比文科学费贵,根据美国官方公布的数据,2009年美国学费排名前十的专业为化工,电子工程,机械工程,计算机科学,土木工程,每年的学费在48,998美元- 59,218美元,会计,金融,经济学每年的学费在46,292- 47,782美元。

























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  美国大学比较看中的社会实践包括义工类、考察类、峰会类等,还有一些能够体现学生的自身特点和性格优势的个性化活动。通过这些活动,主要锻炼学生的沟通能力、领导能力、独立处理各种问题的能力以及体现学生对整个社会的爱心。活动只是外衣,美国名校看重的是通过学生所做的活动,看出学生所具备的潜质,能给学校带来哪些多样化的东西,而且越是名校越是如此。单凭语言成绩就想得到美国名校青睐的时代已经一去不复返了.The full name should be "coffee latte" because latte means "milk" in Italian.

Therefore, when many people first went to Starbucks, they thought that "black tea latte" was a black tea-flavored coffee. As a result, it was discovered that it was a cup of milk tea. In other words, it is still popular to have a milk coffee like a latte called ale white or flat white. Basically, it is a little less milk, and it can better understand the original flavor of coffee.


5. Au Lait Ole [?u'le]

A coffee from France, like the latte, is a kind of coffee with milk. However, it is not made with espresso coffee, but with ordinary black coffee and milk, so the taste is not so strong. Like latte, au lait is also an abbreviation. The full name is coffee au lait

Au lait means "and milk" in French. For students and parents studying abroad, the first thing to consider is the cost. The once-in-a-century financial crisis and the continued strong RMB exchange rate have made it cheaper for Chinese students to study abroad. Recently, the cost of studying in popular countries such as the United States, Britain, Australia and Canada has generally dropped by 30,000 to 90,000 yuan. Among them, the cost of studying in the United States has dropped from 220,000 to 340,000/year before 2009 to 140,000 to 280,000/year; the cost in the UK has dropped from 220,000 to 300,000/year to 180,000 to 250,000/year; The cost of studying in Canada has dropped from 150,000 to 250,000/year to 110,000 to 220,000/year; the cost in Australia has also dropped from 160,000 to 180,000/year to the current 115,000 to 158,000/year. In contrast, in Asian countries where the cost was relatively cheap, the decline was relatively small. The cost of studying in Japan has dropped by 20,000 to 35,000 yuan. This article summarizes the cost of studying abroad in popular countries, and discharges the order according to the cost, hoping to help students who want to study abroad.


First place: United States


There are large differences in college fees in the United States. In addition to private universities, there are many public universities in each state, and there are also many famous brands. Ordinary private university undergraduate programs cost about $17,000 to $24,000 per year, while brand-name private universities cost more than $30,000. Public colleges in the United States generally charge less than private universities, and the annual tuition is about $9 million to $14,000. Among them, tuition fees vary according to majors. The science and engineering and economic analogies are expensive. According to US official data, the top ten US tuition fees for 2009 are for chemical, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, computer science, civil engineering, and annual tuition is $48,998 - 59 The annual tuition fee of $218, accounting, finance, and economics is $46,292-$47,782.


The cost of living in the United States is about 80,000 yuan to 100,000 yuan per year. The accommodation fee is the “big head” part of the tuition fee. The cost of living on campus is 3,000-7500 US dollars per year, the rent is about 3600-7200 US dollars; the book fee is 500-1000 US dollars per year; the food cost is about 2500 US dollars per year; health The insurance fee is 300-500 US dollars per year; in addition, there are travel expenses, transportation expenses, etc. If Chinese students are enrolled in some universities with high fees and local living standards, the full cost of four years may reach 200,000-300,000 US dollars, and the cost of American universities is still increasing year by year. Some public universities have additional incentives to attract students from the state.


Therefore, the total cost of tuition and miscellaneous fees and living expenses for going to the United States for four years is about 75,000-178400 US dollars (about 547,500 to 1,302,300 yuan).


Second place: UK


The undergraduate program in the UK is generally three years. For international students, the annual tuition fee is roughly RMB 100,000-150,000. Students choose a different university and major, and the fees vary. In general, liberal arts courses are cheaper than science courses because they do not require laboratories, studios, and art studios. Clinical courses such as medicine, dentistry, and veterinary medicine are the most expensive. Liberal arts tuition fees: £6,250 to £7,650, science annual tuition: £6,500 to £9,700, medical year tuition: £6,960 to £18,000. Of course, the tuition fees of famous schools will be slightly higher than the tuition fees of the general schools. Therefore, the gap in the cost of the UK is not only reflected in different institutions, but also in different courses. Usually, as the inflation rate in the UK rises, these costs are also rising year by year.


The cost of living in the UK for a year is roughly RMB 70,000 to $100,000. Also located in London, the University of East London in the eastern suburbs costs around £5,000 a year, while the City University of London, Imperial College of Technology, UCL, and London Business School in central London cost between £9000 and £10,000 per year. These costs include food, accommodation, transportation and the necessary cost. Transportation costs are the third largest expense, and transportation costs in the London area are twice as expensive as in Manchester.


Therefore, to go to the UK to study undergraduate courses, the cost of three years is about 510,000 to 750,000.


Third place: Canada


The universities in Canada are all public, so the government approves the price and charges. The standard of tuition fees is based on the city's land price, labor and price levels; the school's scale, facilities and other comprehensive operating costs; the additional cost of specific professional teaching; and the degree of supply and demand of enrollment. The average study time at the undergraduate level is 3 to 4 years. Judging from the situation of students studying in Canada in recent years, undergraduate tuition fees will vary from subject to subject, ranging from RMB 70,000 to RMB 120,000. For example, in medicine and engineering, tuition will be more. From the current situation, international students are required to pay more than 13,000 Canadian dollars per year for university courses in engineering, computer, architecture, forestry, health sciences, etc.; social work, telecommunications science and other majors, 11,000 Canadian dollars per year. The liberal arts college and music majors are the cheapest, costing about 10,000 Canadian dollars a year; the medical profession is the most expensive, has risen to 18,000 Canadian dollars. For example, it is essential to apply for two major US universities, TOEFL and SAT, and the SAT is divided into SATI reasoning test and SATII special test. SATI primarily tests candidates' writing, reading, and math skills; SATII covers subjects such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology. Generally speaking, domestic high school students applying for admission to American undergraduate schools only need to take the SATI exam, but applying for a prestigious US school requires SATI and SATII. It is indispensable to apply for the TOEFL scores of famous American universities. If students want to enter the top TOP50 schools in the United States, it is best to provide SAT scores to enhance the competition weight.



Generally speaking, domestic high school students who apply to enter the US TOP50 school are required to take the SATI test, but for students preparing to sprint TOP30, it is best to provide both SATI and SATII.



According to past experience, most of the students have tested TOEFL and SAT more than once. If the review method is correct, the second time can often be significantly improved. The SAT Chinese students have 6 chances per year. The SATI and SATII exams are the same, which means that students who need SATI and SATII scores should be tested twice. Teacher Xu Chunjiao said that the SAT test registration is required at least one month in advance, and the test position is quite tense. It is very necessary to set the test time in March.



Early planning, grasping the opportunity of admission



I have already had SAT and TOEFL scores during the summer vacation this year, so I can use it to guide myself to apply for American universities. Because the students' grades come out earlier, if the scores are good, you can seize the opportunity of early admission in early November. In this case, it is necessary to get the ideal SAT and TOEFL scores in October. If you are not satisfied with your SAT and TOEFL scores, you can continue to adjust your review strategy to prepare for the next normal application.



It is worth mentioning that in the SAT or TOEFL arrangement, students can decide according to their own situation. Generally speaking, students with better foundations can take the SAT first, because the SAT word is much more difficult than the TOEFL test, and the student's language level is higher than the TOEFL. First test SAT, then test TOEFL, such basic students can generally get a better TOEFL score. But if the foundation is not too good for students, it is recommended to test TOEFL first.



Summer arrangement practice points for the impact of the famous school



After passing the SAT test and completing the TOEFL in the language category, American colleges and universities pay more attention to the students' comprehensive ability, but also value the students' comprehensive ability: social practice, environmental adaptability and so on. After completing the TOEFL and SAT before the summer, you can have plenty of time to participate in social practice during the summer.



The social practice in American universities is similar to volunteers, surveys, summits, etc., as well as some personalized activities that reflect the students' own characteristics and personality advantages. Through these activities, students' main communication skills, leadership skills, ability to deal with various issues independently, and students' love for the whole society are reflected. The activities are just outerwear. The famous American schools value the activities of the students, and see the potential of the students, what kind of things can be brought to the school, and the more famous the school. The era of wanting to be favored by American elite schools by language alone is gone forever.


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