
联系人:王老师    QQ/微信: 330877278

author:英国利兹大学毕业证样本      click:145

ere, the four Nordic countries refer to Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland. It sounds like these countries are seemingly unpopular in studying abroad, but in fact, the Nordic countries are particularly free of tuition fees, quality benefits, and beautiful environments to attract international students to school. The town hall in Sweden hosting the Nobel dinner, the bronze statue of the mermaid in Denmark, the parliament square in Helsinki, Finland, and the Oslo in Norway called "the valley of God"... Which of the four Nordic countries do you choose to study abroad?


Studying in common in the four Nordic countries


The four Nordic countries have certain commonalities in the basic information of studying abroad. Li Wenjuan believes that they can be introduced in a unified manner. Of the four countries, except Denmark, the other three Nordic countries are currently exempt from tuition fees. In the case of tuition free, the local living expenses for one year are about 60,000 to 70,000 yuan. The tuition fees charged by Danish universities are basically between 50,000 and 6,000 yuan per year. In addition, when preparing a visa, the required guarantee is about 150,000 yuan. Recently, it has been said that Northern Europe will start to collect university tuition fees in September 2010. However, there is no official notice on this so far. Even if the news is true, it may not be until next year that it will be unified. In other words, the Finnish countries still implement the tuition-free policy.


Generally, the IELTS scores required by Chinese students vary according to the regulations of the applicants, but they are roughly at the level of 5.5~6.0.


Applicants who graduate from high school in China must take the college entrance examination. For Swedish universities, students who have achieved good grades in high school and who can provide good college entrance examination results are more popular. For Finnish universities, applicants are required to take a “pass exam” covering math, English and logic. Norwegian universities require all applicants studying in Norway to study in Norwegian language for one year in Norwegian language and enter the higher education system after passing the relevant language assessment.


Unify the materials that need to be prepared


If high school graduates are going to study in the Nordic countries, the following five items are necessary in the materials they need to prepare:


The first is a high school diploma, which proves that you have a high school education;


Secondly, the high school three-year transcript can well explain your learning performance in high school.


In addition, it is the college entrance examination transcript, which means that students must participate in the national college entrance examination, although there is no clear requirement for the scores required to reach the college entrance examination, but the higher the score, the more successful the chance of obtaining the offer;


The fourth is a personal resume that details his past personal circumstances, educational background, and practical experience or social experience within and outside the classroom;


Finally, it is a motivation letter, which clearly expresses why he wants to study abroad, what kind of school he wants to study, and preliminary outlines his future academic specialization direction and career development direction.


Generally speaking, the start of the Nordic universities is September each year, but there are also a small number of institutions that have a start-up course in February each year. This year's college entrance examination students, according to the self-study situation of the schools reported, can catch up with the beginning of September next year or the opening of individual colleges in February.内容提要:北欧四国在留学基本信息上有一定共通性,李文娟认为可以统一介绍。四个国家中,除了丹麦,另外三个北欧国家目前都免收学费……  



























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